12 OCTOBER 1844, Page 1

The Revenue-tables, for the year and quarter ending on the

10th instant, are upon the whole satisfactory. There is an increase on the year in six of the eight branches of the ordinary revenue ; the exceptions being an insignificant decrease in the Taxes, and the large one of 948,0001. in the anomalous item of Miscellaneous, the fluctuations of which are often merely casual. In the Customs there is the very large increase of 1,723,0001., in spite of the new Tariff and its reduction of duties; illustrating a remark often quoted from SWIFT—in working a division-sum, the Customs sometimes obtain a product exceeding the dividend. On the quarter, the increase is not so decided; for, while the Customs exhibit the large increase of 473,0001., and the irregular Miscellaneous one of 200,0001., there is a slight decrease of 5,6601. in the Excise—the effect, probably, of diminished duties, or of temperance ; and a decrease in Property-tax and Crown-lands. The oscillation of the Property-tax would seem to say that it has reached its highest mark : there is an increase on the year of 106,0001., and a decrease on the quarter of 89,0001. The Post-office account must cause some chagrin to those who exulted because it slightly went back once since the change : it shows an increase on the year of 82,0001., and on the quarter of 40,0001. The net increase on the year is 1,395,0001.; on the quarter, 520,9001. Some Whig

financiers are at the pains to make out, that with the prosperous state of the country the increase ought to have been greater : but discontent is not likely to obtain extensively while this kind of progress lasts—the progress away from the old and dreaded annual deficiencies.