12 OCTOBER 1867, Page 2

The eighth resolution explains how much to concede to free

Anglican Colonial Churches. Each Church must accept all the old standards of the mother Church, but may have the right to make "such adaptations and additions to the services of the Church as its peculiar circumstances may require," provided such change or addition be not inconsistent "with the spirit and prin- ciples of the Book of Common Prayer," and be liable to revision "by any synod of the Anglican communion in which the said pro- vinces shall be represented." Here is a nice opening for engraft- ing foreign elements on these Colonial Churches. Suppose it be thought specially adapted to the circumstances of the new Free Anglican Church in Natal to append a commination service against the Established" Church there to the usual liturgy, and the pro- vincial synod approve,—for it certainly could not say it was incon- sistent with all the principles of the Book of Common Prayer,—it would soon be a new precedent for Churches at home, and we should have a "free" and vigorous damnatory graft on the old stock.