12 OCTOBER 1895, Page 11

History of the Popes. By Dr. Ludwig Pastor. Translated by

F. J. Antrobus. (Kogan Paul, Trench, and Co.)—We have received the third and fourth volumes of this monumental work, constructed, in a large degree, on documents found in the Vatican. Vol. III. is devoted to the Pontificate of Pius II., better known by his earlier name of .2Eneas Sylvius. He was hardly the exemplary character here described, but it may be conceded that on his election he left Eneas behind and retained only the Pius. His reign of six years (1458-64) was an anxious time, for the Turkish Power was at its height, and threatened the welfare, even the existence, of Christendom. Pius met the situation with prudence and energy. Vol. IV. narrates the seven years' pontificate of Paul II. and the thirteen years' of Sixtus IV.,—an important period, whether we regard the internal or the external history of Rome.