12 OCTOBER 1901, Page 1

Friday's papers contain a letter addressed by Mr. Brodrick to

Sir Howard Vincent, in which the Secretary of State deals with the criticisms made on the Government in regard to the conduct of the war. He declares, and we entirely believe him, that he has done all, and more than all, he has been asked to do by Lord Kitchener. For example, last December Lord Kitchener asked for 9,000 more men, and the Government sent him 61,000. At present there 'were 200,000 men and 450 guns in South Africa, and 69 mobile columns are operating in the country. The Government deliver in South Africa a monthly supply of 10,000 remounts. Mr. Brodrick, in conclusion, asks the British people to be patient. We agree most heartily, and in another column have endeavoured to set forth how the Government may help to produce that most desirable attitude of mind in the British people.