12 OCTOBER 1912, Page 1

The object of the King of Montenegro in thus throwing

his cap into the ring has been much canvassed. In our opinion, the simplest explanation is that the King knew that strong pressure would be put upon him by Russia, to whom he owes so much, to hold his hand, and that he wished to get out of the embarrassment of a direct refusal by being able to say that war had already begun. It is possible, however, that there is substance in the explanation given in the Times that fear of a compromise " breaking out" in regard to Macedonia which would leave all Montenegro's claims and ambitions unsatisfied "impelled him to make war a certainty." In any case, it is a strategic convenience both for the -Servians and Bulgarians that Turkey should be occupied whilst they are completing the concentration of their troops and while the slow Greek mobilization is in progress. Speaking generally, we cannot believe that the King of Montenegro acted in a way which the other Balkan Allies would regard as disloyal. His references to the Kings of Bulgaria, Servia, and Greece, and to the Balkan League in public statements `negative any such suggestion.