12 OCTOBER 1912, Page 1

The Proclamation of the King of Montenegro to his people,

published in Friday's Daily Mail, is so striking a document that we cannot resist quoting it verbatim :- " My hopes of finding a method by which Old Servians might be able without bloodshed to liberate themselves from their sufferings have not met with success. That is why, although it weighs heavily on my heart to break the peace of Europe, there remains to me no other course than to handle the sword—that sword which, assuredly not without honour, Montenegrins have followed courageously to Nikshitch, Antivari, and Dulcigno. Montenegrins, ours is the cause of justice. Alea jaeta est, the die is cast, and God and Servia in good fortune will help us to extend that fortune to our brothers in misery. By the blessing of God, of St. Peter of Montenegro, and of all the saints, may the dreams of my first youth, when in poems I foretold this memorable day, be realized and kindle the breasts of mypeople with faith to march beyond the limits of this Montenegro! Long live Montenegro! Long live the Balkan Alliance !"

How Sir Walter Scott would have loved such a proclamation! It breathes the very spirit of his Highland chieftains.