12 OCTOBER 1918, Page 1


THE German Government, rearranged last week under Prince Max of Baden as Chancellor, addressed a Peace Note to President Wilson through the Swiss Government. The text of this Note, as received by the President last Sunday, was as follows :— THE German Government, rearranged last week under Prince Max of Baden as Chancellor, addressed a Peace Note to President Wilson through the Swiss Government. The text of this Note, as received by the President last Sunday, was as follows :— " The German Government requests the President of the United States of America to take steps for the restoration of peace, to notify all belligerents of this request, and to invite them to delegate plenipotentiaries for the purpose of taking up negotia-. tions. The German Government accepts, as a basis for the peace negotiations, the programme laid down by the President of the United States in his Message to Congress of January 8th, 1918, and in his subsequent pronouncements, particularly in his address of September 27th, 1918. In order to avoid further bloodshed, the German Government requests the President of the United States to bring about the immediate conclusion of a general armisties on land, on water, and in the air."

It was simply the expression of a desire for peace, with a demand for an armistice which would enable the enemy to rest and reconsti- tute his battered armies now retreating before the vigorous thrusts

of the Allies.