12 OCTOBER 1918, Page 2

On either aide of the Argonne Forest the Franco-American pressure

is gradually compelling the enemy to evacuate his last strongholds in that wild region. The Americans on Monday, after a most strenuous fight, captured the fortified hills above Chatel, on are Aire, commanding the north-eastern outskirts of the Argonne. On Tuesday, with French co-operation, they attacked east of the Meuse and captured almost all the outer lines of Verdun as they were when the Germans began their attack in February, 1916. The enemy has massed his reserves behind his fortified lines between the Argonne and the Meuse to resist by all means this American advance, which threatens his main southern line of retreat by Mezieres and Montmedy. But the advance, though slow, continues, and the German reaerves are being used up in the vain effort to arrest the American Army.