12 OCTOBER 1918, Page 3

The poster is a picture of an enormous tumbler of

pale yellow foaming beer that looks like lager (though probably nothing German is intended), and the following words accompany it : "Salve now and keep the price of beer down I" No doubt a rather circuitous economic argument would be required to convince the average soldier that the economy of salvage will result in cheaper beer. And it is probably expected that the average soldier, being a man whose amiable habit it is to bow to authority, will accept a pure assertion as valid. The shame of the matter is that it should be thought that the most effective appeal to the British soldier to serve his country is to promise him cheaper beer. Surely he is being mis- judged, especially at a moment when he has just heard that the United States means to have Prohibition "for the duration." Thus do identical motives produce dissimilar results in the leading brains of different nations !