12 OCTOBER 1974, Page 5

S pectator Qpectator October 12, 1974

cannot alter the basis of its authority Without consulting the electorate. This Was recognised at Westminster 1910-13 over the very question of Irish Home Rule and the connected issue of the Power of the Lords.

Second, the Treaty of Rome requires accession to be in accordance with the constitution of the country.

Third, "Le present trait eat conclu pour une duree il/imitee" (Article 240)— altmite — unlimited, indefinite (Haman.)

Fourth, the Solicitor-General, who drafted the Bill of Accession, stated the fpllowing in the Commons before its final. passage: "Acceptance of Conti/amity law. . remains consistent with the ultimate sovereignty of Parliament Slid the ultimate power of Parliament in Principle to repeal this Bill." Dr FitzGerald's letter makes it clear that Britain's independence is dangerati:slY compromised by EEC member"ill The only way to get clear at present is to vote for Labour and a referendum in the coming election.

86 Woodgrange Ave, London N12 W. E. Bell