12 SEPTEMBER 1835, Page 12


011/1011 or 01IDNAKeT. Sept. 7 —Roy 0 Regt. of Artillery—First Lient Sir Henry Obsnitterlain. Part. to be. Second Capt. vice Hill, retired on half pay Second Lieut. A. Bean to be First Lieut. lice Chamberlain.

WAII•OFFICII, Sept. 11-16th Foot— Lieut. II. P.Gibbs, from the half pay of the 48th root, to be Lieut. sic,. Tay tor, who retires, receiving a eon muted 'tilos. ance. 26th t Foot —Ensign J. 'P. Bourchier to be Lietit. by lambast.. vice Shelley. as Ito retires : lion. W. 0. Ost OM 10 1'e Ensign by pm chase site Bourchier. ;8th Foot— S M. Eddington, Gent, to be Ensign 14 purchase. vire M hut', promoted. 81st Foot—Ensign lion. R. A. G. Dallell to he Lieut. by purchase, sire Clifford, who wares; J. Keaue, Gent. to be Ensign by purchase. v ice Dalzell. 2d West I mlia egt.— Cep, . R. W. emits., from the half pay Unattached, to be Capt. vine Nunn. %hose appoint merit has not taken place.

Unattached— Ensign 11. J. bite, from the 78110 Foot. to be Lieut. by purchase. Memorandum— Lieut. J. Foot. tips hall pay. lats log become a settler in Upper Canada, has been permitted to 'Mire front the Army, milli the sale of au Unattached
