12 SEPTEMBER 1840, Page 3

The :11 -, 1,t..f.1. , io• (;tvirdian of Wedliesday gives the following state-

ment respect iv the recent failures ill that town, which produced

SO notch ala-nt in the 1u1.1oti Stock-itiarket. Their effect on the Manchester 1,,ark■,ts ou Tne,lay was not felt tm er the first opening. Inn the afterm.,I, the business Was del:ideal)" lie nil, told a fair amount of atfcet.:d at previous prices. 'rills fact, ol•serves the Guardian, under the eiremustanees of the recent, failures, shows great elasticity in the market-

" NVe think it 1:1111: to ,t'ite, witli the view of corn (lin; some very erroneous statements 'Odell 1..•••n i!, t:,• I.•, e, • . •• and elsewhere,

that the extet.t ot• th.• 1. • ,:th, bas been very

of wic 55 greatly ex..gg• el 0 1.. -' • hh= have he,to 15.,. ,,f I.:- • . ;ire aR,tired, on 60,0aor, and

the very hest mttl,ority, th;:t y


is ill 11111St 1.11•01..1111:.' 1,t 'are on the Lou

ridiculous were don Stock-Inal!tet lias gi.at t'. •. \ it not attend,: with lo.s ••,:•..r consequences

produced liv im in the Metropoli, In Ile, shares of the London anti Birinitighant, and ; ,t Railway, ■ !,1‘.,r of those on tine allegctl gro.ind that Mr. 1.-

and other IvLich woubl :rket by his • the ower of failure. The fact k Is -• h n : we an: tt•- U single .1...re jut cith,r of ttc• • ,." 1, uutirr amount of railway ..t1■1:k 1.11' 1:11, I .1. : 1 to him at the .• . • time tut 111, -.1• . ialvirtance.) did not exceed 1Rti.le. Witt, 1,, Ii,, ot t -.t., that have occurred, they of inHor comequenee. The .1.,1.,ts of one .urn said to amount to 2rt,tr.b.1., :old of tie whet to :"),04.10/.; hut neither of tin :rt is likely to be pro- ductive of any scr:_qts ....„.1;5equences in the neighbourhood."