12 SEPTEMBER 1840, Page 7

Lisbon has . ,

of the •2S111 A,1 the t.: Lisbon , , .) c.,

stationed at C .

Lietttenant-C,,' c ' ,ffl. cavalry and did not interfere. Tlie tle;,,, .11 proceeded to •\ lir:tries. in he; s

flat ; cccl S i ■ ; .s:er at „- Line, the

;hey , olterS .. relith in sal-ion, quarters. At fa,. r, Second htitt;ct i was ordered to War Nlittister %vas tlismay,s1 by 111,1- wiv nes of the 11,affalfou could. not 1 • s.ce deliberation ; and the garrison rol, • (Zileen, MAIO NVIIS it t. Int rd. i , rettiviied to thie vapital on Satitt-tl.;■ ; a; 1 in tin. iv, c.t.tti 01.1( ll:IV I • ‘11.011ber Om' and demanded lArgi ••• sis.lie of 011O 11101101. Tills lilsisOl't of a Committee On the sa‘,;u a, comp: ism; the following provisions, was earried si mcli iii is foVe It curs l ati ern helm- ing niajorify. I - siii, the bin the ,lia; the l'!n• • ,.. 1 she ',Olt

" Article I. That the Government be authorized with discretionary power for one month- " 1. To nominate military chiefs for any places they may judge indispensable. " 2. To suspend, and substi ute by any person of their confidence, any local administrative authorities they may deem convenient. " 3. To delegate to chiefs and military commandants all governative and exe- cutive authority which may be necessary to preserve public security.

" Article II. The Government, at the expiration of the above period, to pre- sent to the Cortes the use they may have made of the power conceded to them by this law. " Article III. All other legislative acts to the contrary tobe suspended."

Duritig the debate, one of Deputies violently opposed the articles, and called Ministers " Conspirators by profession." His violence appears to have helped the Ministerial project. In the Senate there was "no House" on that day ; bat Ministers, reckoning upon their sanction, at once appointed officers for the metropolis, under the new law.

On Sunday, the Queen, with the King and some of the Ministers, reviewed the whole of the garrison : not a viva greeted her, either from the soldiery or the spectators; the deepest silence prevailed.

The want of a free press keeps the people of Lisbon in ignorance of the actual condition of their own country : but it is conjectured that the spirit of disaffection has obtained great hold of the troops in the provinces, and that the revolters really amount to a considerable number.

Roses, a leader of the revolt of the 11th, had ventured on shore, from his asylum in the French corvette in the Tagus, and had been arrested and thrown into prison.