12 SEPTEMBER 1840, Page 7

The news front :Nladrid to the 1st instant represents that

capital to be in a state of open rebellion against the authorify of the Queen-Regent. The appointment of the new :Ministers heist •l'll taken hi y the mentbers of the Corporation and by the people as a proof that their privileges will be curtailed, and that the Queen is determined to adhere to the law passed by the Corns for limiting the powers of the Cerporations. The revolutionary movement is thus described by the 'Madrid, correspondent of the .31Delliny (la.unick, writing on the 1st instant- " Last night, the Valencian or Court express conv,•yed ii s another new Ca- binet. The following mimes appear in the G.Inette ,or 1111,, morning—Don Juan Antoine 3. 7.:13 ;Is, Minister of Foreign Affairs ; .Don Fermin ..1rIeta, of the Interior; 1)01; 2,1 Ii sto Cortazar, or Grace and .-Iteittive; Don Francisco Xavier Aspiroz, it War; with Secedes and Arniero, t Finance and Marine. " Such is thy list of names which has served as, a -pt ek to igoite. the COM-

Initstible materials prepared by displays of a stmil.ir .,,!, and evilieing a total

disregord to the remote-dram:es of the people. An; y Zayils, Minister of Foreign Affairs., is a voting man little more 1",•••, it.; ;y pars Id 31e, actual Charsa d'Affaires to site court of Brussels; flitci i- stated. to a sister or

other relative of Lord of Carli r toted, I know

IIOI with what truth, to be much in the ,.f. I i car is only keown as Chief Alagistrate of the 'Tribunal It t.• . t;cl t.-11,..etlite (le iieditt(ciu.) Neither Ptiisue J11112..CS nor County C.., i,, are

usually made C liiuct 'Ministers in Boglatid. 1 shou'.,i it was not so notch the individuals named, I, ii • ti. - ion mani-

tested by the Crown on the oecasion, that I I trecipitated

their resitdance. They saw, in the Gazette at tu-d prospect of reconciliation.

" The consequence was, that in the :,•rt- .,!'t' or Nati...I t;tutials were observed in tle : shortly after the generala, or alarm-drum cc under arms. They then quietly anti in in the itrintipal squares of the city, an•i 0,•cuit.

ferce. Wile this was being etieeted, the tom . and even most attic shops remained open tilt ie. coiparation assembled in the Town-hoot,. aial decin• nent junta. While engaged in th : • et. :

tered, attended by a few of the . - that lie and his men were tired ;gain Lt.; Place of' the To,vit in,e. and the let,- - companions killed m- S lisle wound..d. against their procettiit... et r. of the e.,fpor.;•.: prisouer, and proceede rrin the ;p.m cc

Aldama, Captain-General c!, • • '1'ov:1f-house oitli a portion of the munieipalitv by a narrow stv.

killed the Genova'', Itorsei :Ind won .

Central then 1. itliec. to the 0.

of the Iteina Gol.,rnat:ora. Ai: rities of the city te the G prevailing that tbo tic-- of the Lir remains lit the t!e hr.:

above, have - . ett tt .1 order to prove' t ; i.c (:;tni I Xi'. I

" The Cell 1..; • the Gutti...

appointment et. a Caldnet, ot the constititt:on. among,t which ti., v

A Provisi.mal t;• the tutors of it<

to those .• and that a courier 11.1,

place, and inviting hi.:, ,

The .1Ioni& co. or y Madrid, atinounein,:: the HI :1 that capital, and that pub!iL, cramp:: , the 1st. 'Ile Monis sr says-- " the night of the 1st instant the ;•..- bivouacking at the Iletiro joined the N cc thlawrt with th ; tv-ii”v and artillerv. taking the road to Alibi. On the same ,' of Provisioual Government. under the i"pititinted Rodil Captain-General. Lore: .• Nareiso Lopez Military Governor. Ott 'L. master a Madrid, and the public tranytli-i;■

77: 11!. '7 number

,,nd that

• ,,ppeared position 7': a strong ide streets, .5! :i■time, the a perms: Lief, en- - ::. stati.N ,Ip in the six of his J..strances 11'


Ito the itt front at schick

and the



. .1 c. cling

. - rcaittly alulled to

cizy itt

-.•1. the mere 7.7:7 1..0 safety 7 .■ Ihccgemicy. clii eveii -- -litmilar this day, taken hi front ,t,ater of 1 since -nit were ; meral,

junta. Junta Dolt