12 SEPTEMBER 1846, Page 6

Nortign anti egionial.

Sesne.—The preliminary arrangements for the double marriage of Queen Isabella the Second with Don Francisco de Assis, and of the Infanta Luisa with the Duo de Montpensier, proceed with alacrity. It is now said, that, in order to evade and outrun objection, the marriage will take place on the 24th September, instead of October the 10th. The Due de Montpeneier was to leave Paris for Madrid on the 18th instant—

The Madrid oorrespondent of the Times furnishes some curious detaila of the progress of the affair.

"The candidate for the Queen's hand for whom Eagland would have shown any preference, or whose election it would have received with the greatest pleasure, was the Infante Don Enrique. An intimation to that effect was made to the Court of Madrid. But the objections on the part of the Queen-mother to Don Enrique were insuperable: it was useless to try to overcome them. The Queen- mother, rejecting Don Enrique, manifested an earnest desire to have a Coburg for her daughter; and expressed herself to that effect. This of course, was since listperiod when all hope was bet of Trapani. She inquired whether, in case the election should fall on a Coburg, she could look to the support of England against the opposition of France, or rather of Louis Philippe, to the object other own and her daughter's preference. The British Government were consulted, and the re- ply was in the negative. The British Government would neither put forward a Coburg as their own candidate, nor engage to support him against any hostile feeling on the part of France. They showed neither a preference nor any strong liking to a Coburg; without at the same time making any opposition to the choice. While they allowed the Queen liberty to select him who most pleased her and the nation, they merely contented themselves with the expression of a preference in favour of Don Enrique above any other candidate. Recourse was now had to Don Francisco as a pis idler. The father was then caressed, and unusual atten- tions shown to induce him to offer no opposition from any feeling of vindictiveness on account of the persecution of his second son. "Don Francisco de Assis was summoned to Madrid; and, for the reasons I stated to you at the time, refused to come. ['This, we believe, refers to there- port that he had promised his mother not to interfere with the claims of Don arlos's son.] He was again summoned; though there was no decision taken, as the feeling Of dislike to his person was as strong as before, and rendered his chances, even then, of a very trifling nature. That dislike was strongly and deeply felt by the young Queen herself' and participated in by her mother: it was with tears in her eyes, and her bosom heaving with sobs, that she was forced to plight her troth to him. She had to be told that—I use the expression employed =if she did not instantly consent to marry her cousin Don Francisco de Assis, she should marry no one.' When I again assure you that the feeling of dislike, amounting to repugnance, was shared in by the Queen-mother, it is not difficult to guess from what quarter this force proceeded to compel a child, not yet sixteen years old, to consent to marry a man from whom she recoiled with loathing. It is even said (I give this part merely in rumour, as a piece of palace scandal) that certain arguments were used—by some of the corrupt and antiquated but still licentious spirits that gloat over the visions of past sensuality, and still haunt the scene of the debauchery of ten or twelve years since—arguments that one hesitates to refer to more particularly—in order to excite the imagination of the child, and induce her to accept the new candidate proposed by M. Bresson. Such a story perchance is unworthy of belief, and exaggerated; but the history of that abode of treachery and of licentiousness, the royal palace of Madrid, is full of tales that cannot well bear the light of day. "However that may be, whether the stones told are a calumny on the vicious and faded beauties of the palace or not, the fact is certain that the consent of the Queen was wrung from her. M. Bresson was in a moment on the spot; and, pro- fiting by the occasion, he formally demanded the hand of the Infanta for the Dake of Montpensier. It was agreed to; and in an hour or two afterwards, a courier was on his way to the capital of France. As I have already stated, Mr. Bulwer was not made acquainted with what passed until ten o'clock the same morning— that is, in seven or eight hems after the French Ambassador had concluded the business. The Queen went to repose at seven o'clock, sad and weeping."

"You hear a cry of England—Lord Palmerston—Lord John Russell will not surely allow the young and innocent Queen of Spain to be frightened in her bedchamber, at midnight, by diplomatic bullies with the figure as well as the mind of butchers; nor her imagination excited by the foul images presented to her by hoary and unrepentant harridans who have lost all feeling of womanly delicacy, as they have of virtue; and all to force her to a detested marriage with one more fitted—however inoffensive in manner—for the seraglio, or the Pope's chapel, than to be the founder of a race of kings." [This kind of insinuation has been levelled at many royal persons before marriage: not a reigning Queen in Europe has escaped; Queen Isabella herself being no exception.]

The poor young Queen's likings, or rather her dislikings, seem entirely to have been disregarded- " This is certain," says the correspondent of the Morning Post, "that the en- gagement between Isabel and the Duke of Cadiz is not one of affection." And he adds, that "the Queen-mother presented her little Majesty some time since with three miniatures—those of the Count de Montemohn, of Trapani, and of Coburg-Cohau.. It is well known that portraits of this description are always much flattered; but if they had been daguerreotypes, it is to be feared that the chosen spouse would not bear a personal comparison with his rivals. The Queen is.said to have expressed a strong preference for the Coburg miniature."

Meanwhile, the Infante Don Francisco has received the congratulations of the Diplomatic Corps, the Ministers, the Grandees, and other eminent and influential persons; and orders have been despatched to Rome to press for a Papal dispensation, which is necessary on account of the near rela- tionship of the parties. It is expected that the marriage will take plane on the 10th of October, the day on which the Queen enters on her seventeenth year. The idea of matrimony, however, does not conduce to the health of Don Francisco; who is said to have been ill enough to keep his bed.

The marriage of the Infanta with the Duo de Montpensier found no favour with the Spanish people. Every prejudice was excited against it— nationality, dread of French ascendancy, even personal dislike. "To de- scribe the excitement," says one writer—" an excitement of rage, disap- pointment, and wounded self-love—that has been occasioned by the Mont- pensier marriage, would be difficult. In the cafés, promenades, public places, in the very ante-chambers of the Ministerial offices, the agitation is great, and increasing every moment. People seem to have laid aside all fears; the police, secret and public, is disregarded; and men speak their thoughts aloud, reckless of danger." The foulest epithets were made use of against Louis Philippe, M. Guizot, M. Bresson, the French Ambassador in Madrid, Maria Christina, and even the unhappy young Queen herself. Attempts were made, successfully but most absurdly, to bring the Dun de Montpensier into popular contempt: a story has been got up that he was blind of one eye, and every blind creature was popularly called "Mont- pensier." A blind bull being introduced at a bull-fight in Madrid, the people called out, "Take away the Montpensier bull!"

The Espanol pronounces such a marriage to be contrary to law, and quotes the treaty of Utrecht,—

" Nobody can doubt that the descendants of the house of Orleans are by the law of the kingdom for ever excluded, without limitation or exception of persons from all right to the succession of the throne of Spain. The stipulations of this treaty, which are in fall vi our, gour would alone be sufficient for the Cortes on the one hand and the Foreign Cabinets on the other to oppose the marriage of a prince of Orleans with the heiress to the throne of Spam. In reality, the exclusion exists not only in the words of the treaty but still more in its spirit. Philip the Fifth, in establishing the Salle law, renounced his rights to the throne of France; and on their side, the Duke de Berry, and the other grandsons of Louis the Fourteenth, gave up any rights they might have to the succession of Philip the Fifth. In the archives at the Department of Foreign Affairs, the original of the treaty concluded at Utrecht, 13th July 1718, may be found." It refers to the reformed constitution of 1845, under the terms of which "neither the Sovereign nor the immediate successor of the throne can contract marriage with any person excluded by law from succeeding to tbe throne "; and argues that "since the descendants of the house of Orleans are so excluded by internal-Waal treaties, which are not only the laws of the kingdom but still more explanations of the public European law, the Cortes cannot authorize the mar-

riage of the Infanta with the Duke de Montpensier without violating the consti- tution of the state."

This paper created a sensation-

" In reference to the treaty," observes the Times correspondent, " it is said that Seller Isturiz was absolutely ignorant of its existence; and that as soon as he saw it in the columns of the Espanol he became alarmed, and had the archives of his department searched for a copy of the document. It is also stated that he ex- pressed his fear of having gone too far, and having acted too precipitately in the matter. It may be doubted, that a well-informed man, as Istariz certainly is, should be either ignorant of the existence of such a document as the treaty of Utrecht, (which, besides, was appealed to so lately by the Duke of Sotomayor in London on the sugar question,) or should even have forgotten it One thing, how- ever, is certain—the evening edition of the number of the Espanol that contained it was seized by order of Senor Isturiz the same day, and before post-hour, in order, no doubt, to prevent its circulation in the provinces." On the other hand, the Heraldo devotes not less than eight columns to , the treaty, and to the refutation of the arguments founded on it by the op- ponents of the marriage with Montpensier- Its principal argument consists in showing that the treaty of Utrecht does not at the present day preserve its primitive vigour; nor can it claim a blind obedience to or compliance with its provisions. It contends, that besides the revolutions which have taken place one after the other in Europe, the blows struck by Napo- leon at it during the general bouleversement of the political relations and condi- tions of every state in Europe, after the lapse of so many years, the Spanish na- tion itself disregarded its provisions by varying the order of succession as there established. And besides, but a short time has passed away since the reply of England to the appeal which Spain made to the same treaty on the sugar question, was that the treaty had fallen into disuse, and that Spain was not justified in appealing to it. It then attempts to show the absurdity of confounding a treaty with a law; and it points out the futility of applying to the question that article of the Constitution which declares that the immediate successor to the crown cannot contract marriage with any one excluded from the succession to the same crown; because, in that case, the Queen's sister could not marry any OW except one of the sons of her uncle, Don Francisco.

There have been several contradictory reports as to a protest against the Montpensier marriage, said to have been made by Mr. Bulwer. The cor- respondent of the Times, writing on the 3d, makes the most distinct and trustworthy statement on the subject—

"A note, which may be considered in the light of a protest, was sent in yester- day by Mr. Bulwer to Sefior Isturiz on the subject of the Infanta's marriage with the Duke de Montpensier. The substance of the note is believed, on good au- thority, to be as follows—Mr. Bulwer expresses his astonishment at receiving

intelligence ntelligence from the Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs that the marriage of her Majesty with the Infante Don Francisco de Assis was to take place aimul taneously with that of her sister the Infanta Luisa Fernanda with a son of the King of the French. By the laws of Spain and its constitution, such a marriage as the last-mentioned could not in any sense be considered as a private event, only affecting the individuals most interested. It was an event of European im- portance; in fact, one of the most important that has taken place in Europe for 1501118 time. He regretted to be obliged to express his fears that the marriage of her Majesty's sister with the Duke de Montpensier would be likely to endanger the relations of amity which had so long subsisted between Spain and those Govern- ments who had done the most to preserve the honour, nationality, and independ- ence of this country. "The note was sent in to Senor Isturiz yesterday morning. It reached him be- tween two and three o'clock in the afternoon. Mr. Bulwer is said to have re- ceived, about an hour ago, a private communication from hatiriz, the purport of which has not as yet transpired. "It will be necessary to observe that Mr. Bulwer has acted entirely on his OWN responsibility, as it would appear, in communicating the above-mentioned."

General Narvaez was on his way from Paris to Madrid; and his return home gives rise to various reports— "That General Niuvaez is about to return from his embassy, and that he will be named President of the Senate. The Cabinet will be modified; and M. Isturiz will be sent as Ambassador to London. These accounts need confirmation. Another statement is more probable. Maria Christina, after procuring the title of highness ' to her morganatic husband, and grandee of the first class' to the eight children the issue of that marriage, is to come to reside in France. The marriage of the Queen must necessarily cause the removal of her mother, too long accustomed to govern not to allow it to be supposed that as long as she was. pre- sent she would still wish to govern. Maria Christina has a pretext for retiring, of which she will do well to take advantage. She will accompany the

Donna Luisa, and present her to the Court of the Tuileries."

Faawca.—The most prominent subject in the Paris papers is the Spanish marriages. The journals all exult; the Ministerial, because they consider the arrangement conducive to French interests; the Opposition papers, for the same reason, and also because they fancy that Ministers have in some way been defeated in their policy of truckling to England—obliged, as it were, to triumph over "is perfide Albion "! The Spaniards in Paris are said to condemn both marriages,—that of the Queen, because she personally has been sacrificed; that of the Infanta, because it is a sacrifice of Spanish to French interests. It is presumed in Paris that England will interfere; and to some such expectation is imputed the fact that M. Guizot had not fulfilled his intention of going into the country, but remained at his official residence.

The Courtier Francais promulgates this tale-

" We are assured that the triumph of M. Guizot in the affair of the ma of Queen Isabella was only obtained at the price of an immense concession

to Great Britain by the Spanish Cabinet. This concession consisted in a treaty of commerce, of which the preliminaries were concluded between Mr. Bulwer and M. 'stuns after a long conference held on the 30th of August last at Madrid." The trousseaux for the double marriage have been ordered from Paris, and every effort has been made to hasten them. Queen Christina pays for that of Queen Isabella; the Queen of the French insists on defraying the charge of her daughter-in-law's trousseau and corbeille.

The two Chambers were prorogued, by Royal ordinance, after their short formal session, on Friday.

The Epoque announces, that the appeal made by the regicide Joseph Henry to the King's mercy has been rejected, after a protracted delibera- tion. This mischievous fool is doomed to hard labour at the hulks for life.

Bordeaux has emulated Paris in doing honour to Mr. Cobden. The Libre- Echangistes of that city invited him to a banquet on the 1st instant; at which upwards of three hundred gentlemen "assisted." Nor were the fair sex backward on the occasion, "the galleries being filled with elegantly-dressed ladies." The chair was taken by M. Duffour-Dubergier, the Mayor of Bordeaux; who was recently the guest of the Free-traders at Manchester, and had now been entertaining Mr. Cobden as a guest for some days at his private house. Among the guests, were Baron Sere, Peer of France and Prefect of the Gironde; M. Rennet, First President of the Cour Royale; IL Doequet, Secretary-General of the Prefecture; and M. Dunn, one of the Vice-Presidents of the Society of Libre-Echangistes. After the healths of the King, and of the Queen and Royal Family, had been drunk with the "loudest acclamations," that of the English guest was proposed "with the greatest enthusiasm." Mr. Cobden returned thanks in a speech which was very able, but not new to the English reader- except, perhaps, in the emphatic enunciation of the dictum, "that free reader; is association, and

that monopoly is competition." The speech was received "with thunders of applause." The French Scientific Congress opened its sittings at Marseilles on the 1st instant. An opening speech was delivered by bl. Roux; after which, M. De Caumont was named President, and Messieurs De Cussy, Forbin- Janson, Wulfrane Puget, and Cauviere, Vice-Presidents.

ROME.—We throw together a few of the political reports that continue to flow from the Eternal City. "Deputations are daily arriving from different parts of the Roman States with addresses of thanks to the Pope for the amnesty. The Bolognese have addressed a letter to the Romans, thanking them for their sympathy on this occasion. Copies of this letter, finely written on parchment, bare been distributed to the highest members of the clergy, the Roman princes, and several silvans and artists. Rossini is engaged to compose the music of a hymn, written by Count Marchetti, in commemoration of the amnesty."—Letter (August 25th) in the Augsburg Gazette.

His Holiness the Pope has determined to commence forthwith the railroad from Rome to Naples. The funds are to be provided by a daily subscription during five years; after which, debentures of 100 scudi each, bearing interest, are to be given to the subscribers. The Pope had lately distributed a donation of 350 scudi to the indigent Israelites. He likewise sent a quantity of bread to the Ghetto.—Nureniberg Gazette. We are snared that several members of the diplomatic body, [in Paris,' in- cluding the representatives of two Northern Powers, have had with the Minister for Foreign Affairs conferences relative to the political conduct of the new Pon- tifical Government. It is even said that those diplomatists have censured in rather strong terms the amnesty which Pins the Ninth has just issued to all political exiles, and rendered France responsible for the consequences of that mea- sure. The French Government, it is said, has not favourably received the remon- strances of Austria and Prussia.—Le Commerce.

Naples has suffered from extraordinary drought, which has quite dried up the rural districts- " The peasants could find no water for their cattle; which were perishing of thirst, and making the air resound with their cries. The shepherds saw their sheep dying daily before their eyes for want of pasturage. The Government was i occupied n despatching water to the districts which suffered most from the drought, at a certain rate of quantity per family. In some parts of the country water was sold at the price of toine. The capital alone was exempt from the sufferings of this extraordinary drought, which had already led to tumultuous movements among the people. A vulgar opinion had spread that Mount Vesu- vius had dried up all the water in the country surrounding it. The volcano was emitting neither fire nor smoke and this gave rise to the fear of a sudden and horrible eruption. It was stated that the volcano was throwing up from time to time quantities of boiling water."

POLAND.—The ukase issued by the Emperor of Russia for the improve- ment of the condition of the peasantry in Russian Poland, to which we alluded last week, has been published in the Warsaw Gazette. The fol- lowing are the principal provisions- " Peasants in towns or villages, who cultivate to the extent of at least three acres of land, shall henceforth as long. as they fulfil their obligations, enjoy a life-interest in those lands; and proprietors shall not take the land from them, or increase the charges thereon. The peasants shall be free to move from one estate to another, provided they fulfil the police regulations, and give three months' notice of their intentions. The proprietor of the estate shall, within two years at the furthest, place other peasants on the lands thus abandoned; and shall not incorporate the said lands with those which constitute his seignorial estate. The Council of Administration shall suppress in private domains all feudal services which are not established by law. The Council shall recommend to the authorities to watch that the obligations enforced towards the lords do not eiceed those which, after the suppression of the feudal services, not established

by the law, are founded on valid titles, and which existed previous to jus- tice 1846. They are also to see that in trials between the lords and the peasants is equitably administered."

INDIA.—An extraordinary mail has been received from India; Sir George Arthur having been obliged to leave the Presidency of Bombay, on account of a change for the worse in his health, already in a dangerous state. Since the 6th of May he had been unable to transact business with the officers of Government, and at last every chance of recovery seemed to de- pend on his instant departure. He therefore came away on the 5th of August, suddenly and privately, to avoid shows which his feeble health for- bade; and he made the voyage to Egypt in the swift steamer Acbar.

The chief political news is, that the spirit of dissatisfaction with the Government at Lahore of the Queen-mother, and of her Wuzeer, Lail Singh, threatened to explode in acts of violence. The notorious fanatics called the Akhalees were collecting in the neighbourhood of that capital; and fears were entertained of their beginning a bloody struggle for power. The Government abstained from acts of arbitrary violence, in deference to the still present British; and the forbearance was probably mistaken for weakness. The months of September and October have been often a sig- nal for butcheries amongst the Sikhs. The Chief of Monitan was not dis- posed to yield obedience to the Government of Lahore; and a contest was expected in the Southern part of the Punjaub, in which the British would be compelled to interfere. The army from Scinde was the nearest to Moultan. Gholab Singh was surrounded with difficulties in his new kingdom. Some of his own relatives were clamorous for payment of legacies left to them by Gholab's brother; and his own grasping attempts to encroach upon the Lahore territory, in settling the new boundaries, placed him in continual hot water.

The Sikhs were enlisting in the British regiments. From Scinde we learn that the cholera had subsided, after ravaging Kumichee and Hyderabad. In Kurrachee, the total of deaths among the European soldiery was 526. The last victim was Captain John Na- pier, of the (Queen's) Sixty-second Regiment, Sir Charles's nephew and secretary. At Hyderabad, a letter written on the 13th of July, in the midst of the visitation, says-

" The deaths in the city are above a hundred daily. More than one hundred prisoners have died in the gaol in the last few days. The Fourteenth Regiment, in the fort, have lost some men, but not many. A wing of them has today moved out, to escape the contagion. The other regiments have been more fortunate and there have been as yet but few cases among them."

Sir Charles Napier hastened to the place; removed the soldiers; released the prisoners in the gaol, except those charged with the gravest crimes: and these measures helped to check the malady. All writers seem unable to express their sense of the venerable officer's brave and indefatigable humanity. At Kurrachee, he had knocked down walls, and caused the town to be improved, as a permanent preventive. The whole of the Western part of India, from the Pnnjaub to Ceylon, appears to have been blessed this year with abundant rain. The newly- acquired provinces known as the Jullundur Doab had enjoyed an extraor- dinary fall, which must contribute to its fertility.

The Governor-General and the Commander-in chief remained at Simla; where they were about to be joined by some of the most experienced offi- cers of the North-western provinces, in order to arrange definitely their plans for next fair season.

An order issued by the Governor-General, on the 3d of July, makes known that, for the future, commissions will be granted to such European warrant-officers, serving under the East India Company, as shall earn this distinction by meritorious service. An allowance of 1,000 rupees is also to' be made for outfit. In conformity with this announcement, six sergeant- majors have received commissions, dating from the battle of Sobraon and the Governor-General "cordially congratulates these gentlemen, Ensign Stephen Douglas, Ensign Patrick Mard, Ensign Samuel Spurgin, Ensign J. Brasyer, and Ensign John Storrs," on their promotion.

The appointment of Sir David Pollock as Chief Justice of Bombay apa pears to be generally approved of in the Presidency. The Calcutta journals describe an extraordinary act of plunder in the centre of that capital. Sixteen men, well armed, entered a goldsmith's and banker's shop, wounded several people, and then retired with their spoils. The police of the city had not discovered the perpetrators. It was openly stated that the shopkeepers there paid "black mail" to escape attack. This is an astonishing admission in the British capital of India. A new crime had been found out in Bombay. A gang of conspirators poisoned a number of buffaloes; then bought the carcases, which they sold to the butchers in the public market: the poisoned beasts were to be disposed of as meat at the hottest season of the year. The men were to be tried at the next criminal sessions.

AnErr.—The Acbar brings intelligence from Aden, that Furkee Ismael, a Mussulman fanatic who had for some time been collecting a half-armed rabble amounting to 5,000 men, had made an attack on-the British out- works; but he was repulsed with loss. The Arabs were congregated in great masses in the vicinity of the town. Our troops were fully prepared to give them a warm reception.

Maraurnis.—Advices of the 11th July mention that Governor Sir William Gomm had created a great sensation by expelling a Roman Ca- tholic priest, skilled as a surgeon, who had performed the Cresarian opera- tion on the body of a dead woman, and saved her child; wilich survived twenty-four hours. The newspapers of the colony were loud in their de- nunciations of this sentence.

THE Lzvaarr.—Constantinople papers of the 26th August contain re- ports from Trebizond, that the troubles in the Hadjexa were put down, and that the chief of the revolt had been taken prisoner. From Tehran, on the 20th July, they write that the cholera was making sad ravages in Persia. , One of the sons of the Shah had died. The city was in a complete panic. The Shah, with his Ministers and the whole of the Court, had left the place; and the Corps Diplomatique was preparing to follow the example. Every one who could depart was preparing to go, or had already done so.

The Turkish Government was taking means to prevent the spread of the disease.

Mehemet Ali arrived at Alexandria, after his visit to Constantinople. . His Highness arrived on the 24th, and was received with every demonstra- tion of loyalty. All classes flocked to the palace to testify their delight at his return, and the city was brilliantly illuminated. Mehemet All rode about the city to look at the lights, in a French carriage with six horses- (which cost him 3,0001.); a Turkish officer sitting by his side, to be a wit- ness of his popularity. After remaining two days at Alexandria, the Pacha proceeded to Cairo. He is stated to be in excellent health.

MADEIRA has been the scene of a serious disturbance. It will be re- membered, that for some time Dr. Kelley has been active in making prose-- lytes from the Catholic religion, and that his converts suffered some severe treatment; the Doctor himself being imprisoned. The interference of the British Government was invoked; and he was released. It seems that the prosecution of his missionary labours has led to renewed difficulty. The ill feeling which he has thus excited has resulted in a resort to actual out- rage, and Dr. Kelley has had to fly for his life. One of the two accounts which have appeared is evidently ex parte; but we have thrown together such parts of them as will afford a connected narrative of the trans- actions— On Sunday, August the 2d, a body of Portuguese subjects assembled for re- ligious purposes in the house of Miss Rutherford. A crowd collected, and de- manded that their countrymen (the " Calvinistas") should be given up to them. This was refused; and the mob maintained their position. At length, about eleven clock at night, they broke into the house, searched it thoroughly, and having found their countrymen in the kitchen violently assaulted them. At this moment the police and soldiery appeared, and la once dispersed the rioters; taking several: of them into custody. These men were, however, discharged from confinement the next morning, on the pretext that no one had appeared to make a complaint- against them. On the Monday and subsequent days, it was publicly bruited in town that a. larger mob intended on the Sunday following to attack the house of Dr. Kelley, destroy and barn his property, and put the Doctor forcibly on board the English steamer, which was expected to arrive on that day, and thus expel him from the island; the signal for the gathering of the mob to be a rocket fired from a certain house in town.

On Sunday the 9th, at noon, the expected rocket was fixed; an immense mob, armed with clubs, began to gather on the Praca Constitucional, and very soon afterwards a crowd surrounded Dr. Kalley's house. The Governor, the Adminia- trader do Concillio, and the British Consul, were on the spot, with a guard of sol- diers; but no opposition appears to have been offered to the entrance of the rioters. Having searched the house in vain for Dr. Kelley, they proceeded to barn and de- stroy his books, prints, and medicines. Dr. Kelley, who had been much alarmed during the previous night by various occurrences, had left the house at three a.m., and was, daring the early part of these disturbances,. concealed in the house of a friend; but on the arrival of the royal mail-steamer lathe bay, he escaped to it is disguise as a female. The mob, having missed their prey, threatened to search. the British Consulate; but desisted from this on the Consul's consenting to go off in his boat at their head, and show them that Dr. Salley was actually on board the

steamer. Dr. Kelley was exhibited accordingly, and the riot was appeased. He was soon ,joined by his family, and departed in the ship for the West Indies. Nu- merous other British families have been threatened. Some of the British residents, the Misses Rutherford, Dr. Miller, and Mr. Tate, with their families, were living on board a British vessel in the bay, the Consul having declined to answer for their safety, ' , even in his own house. Other families are living at the Consulate.

A letter numerously signed, had been presented to the Consul, requesting him to apply for a British ship-of-war to protect British persons and property in the island during the present state of anarchy and avowed powerlessness of the local Government. However, the writer of one of the letters from which our account is compiled adds, that, although the native followers of Dr. Kelley would be subject to persecution, no fear needs be eatertained for the security of British persons and property.

Baazu..—A correspondent of the Times, writing from Rio de Janeiro, calls attention to the state of law in Brazil, which leads to the practical confiscation of property held by British subjects in that country. He de- scribes this state of things to result from an effort on the part of the Bra- zilian Government to retaliate upon England for Lord Aberdeen's Slavery Act, known in Brazil as "the Bill."

There are two legal functionaries—one styled "Juiz dos Orfaos," the other' "Juiz dos Ausentes"—who are charged with the care of the property left by persons dying intestate. Under this term are included all cases of wills not made in strict conformity with the laws of Brazil. " The Bra- zilian laws allow the testator to dispose of one-third of his property as he may deem fit. He has heirs (fereados): they are, if he is unmarried, his father or his mother, if alive; if married, his children ; not having children, then his parents; his brothers and sisters or next of kin are heirs, if he should die intestate only. A father may in some few instances disinherit his children: for instance, in the event of prostitution, having attempted his life, for refusing to be bail in any bailable offence, and also for (an offence alike disgraceful to the framer and the morality of the country where such a law is recognized) having intercourse with his father's mis- tress. In the event of any of his heirs being absent from this country, then the Juiz dos Ausentes steps in, and claims the custody of that part belonging to the absent; and it not unfrequently disappears in the cope of this guardian, more particularly if it has been long there uninquired for." The chief illustration of the state of the law is drawn from the decision on the well-known case of Mr. George March; and its future operation is indicated—" M the death of any one partner or consignee, either resident here or elsewhere, the house and property will be taken possession of by the authorities, (the Juiz dos Orfaos and Juiz dos Ausentes,) and an inven- tory taken of all effects and outstanding debts: these will be valued by people appointed for the purpose. After this formality, a curador is ap- pointed at the option of the Juiz. This is a post of pecuniary considera- tion, and much sought after by all his friends and dependents. It is the urador that collects all monies, and orders the sale of the effects; and when of sufficient magnitude, not a few instances are wanting of their having decamped with the whole, seeing that Juiz dos Orfaos is a situation held at the pleasure of the Minister, who, to free him from responsibility when any such accident occurs, removes him and appoints another (until the storm blows over); and this other when appointed gets out of the affair by referring to it as the act of his predecessor."

Under, the whole of these circumstances, no person can ship to this country with impunity. What with long credits and the risk of death to some of the parties interested, it will be next to impossible to escape for many years without a visitation from the Juiz. No gains can withstand the losses that would accrue from one such visitation; a second within a few years would prove ruinous to the longest purse."

Rio DE LA PLATA.—The arrival of the convoy at Monte Video, after the decisive operations of the English and French squadron before San Lorenzo, had infused a new spirit into that prostrate city. "A crisis," says the Times correspondent, "is now on, which has been long maturing, and which will afford, perhaps, the most golden opportunity of all for effecting a sound and permanent settlement of the whole question ; I allude to the disposition of Entre Rios to form a league with Corrientes, and shake off the yoke of Rosas. A glance at the map of South America will show how such a confederation, recognized by Europe, would instantly bring about all that is desired; the nations on the left bank of the Parana being then unanimously declared for foreign commerce. Let this Fact be known in London and in Lancashire—that the boundless commerce of the Plate and its tributaries may at once be secured to all the world by our Govern- ment making only one step in advance towards the creation of such a con- federation as I have named; overtures for which end have been made by the native chiefs to the Ministers of the mediating Powers."

The arrangements for forcing the passage were well devised. On an island opposite the enemy's principal battery, Captain Hotham had placed a masked battery of six Congreve rocket tubes, with orders not to open fire until the action was commenced by the steamers- " The firat shot from the Gorgon was the moment selected for our rocket-battery to open fire. The enemy at the principal battery not yet being within reach, and anxious to see the fun with the upper battery, had jumped on the parapet, and were shouting, 'Viva la Confederamon Argentina!' &c., at a great rate, when the rockets from the island drove them down much faster than they mounted. "At 10h. 40m. a. m. the action was general. The firing from the steamers was beautiful; nearly every shell bursting at the muzzles of the field-pieces, or over the batteries. Occasionally, one would pitch into the cliff, and, bursting, sends tons of -earth into the river, and a column of dust into the air.

"At 12h. 50m. p. m. all the convoy had passed down, except an English bark, the Caledonia, and two schooners, which had grounded on the point of an island, about a mile and a half below the principal battery, owing to their having kept too far over to avoid the enemy's shot. The Alecto and Lizard were ordered to their assistance, and afterwards the Firebrand. The vessels were broadside on to the point, the bark on the top of all, and lying over on her broadside. Finding it impossible tort them off, the crews were received on bard, and the vessels set fire to, to prevent their falling into the hands of the enemy.

"The steamers then all passed down after the convoy, and that night anchored four miles below the town of Rosario."

- These adviees report the way in which Mr. Wardlaw, an officer belong- ing to the Racer ship-of-war, had fallen a victim to the treachery of Rosas's

soldiery. He had entered the Atalaya river in the Racer's whale-boat, under the protection of a flag of truce, to make search after an English bark, stated to have been shipwrecked on the coast. Here he found a small party of soldiers; but, fearing treachery from their not hoisting a flag of truce, he ordered the men to back out. On seeing this, the enemy opened fire, which was quickly returned; but the boat having dewed round at the mouth of the river, and made sail on the starboard tack, grounded on a bank; and after running no more than thirty yards, was left high and dry by the receding tide. The boat eventually floated; but Mr. Wardlaw had previously been induced to go on shore with a flag of truce to the Com- mandant. What passed is not known. He was, however, seen on his re- turn, still holding the flag in his hand. Suddenly, a party of cavalry came down; the commanding officer was observed to jump off his horse and snatch the flag from Mr. Wardlaw; who thereupon ran towards the beach, calling out to those in the boat, "Fm sold, Fm done! fire, and save yourselves if you can." He was then pursued and carried off. No account of his fate has been made public by the enemy; but the current report is that he was slowly stabbed to death. The people in the whale-boat fired on the troops till they had retreated; but finding that no one came down, the party eventually returned to the Racer.