12 SEPTEMBER 1863, Page 1

Fort Sumter, situated on an artificial island in the middle

of Charleston karbour—the fort which was the first bone of 2493 contention between the North and South—was battered into ruins by General Gilmore's guns on the 23rd August, and it has been stated on the authority of a gunboat from Wilmington that it had surrendered, and that Fort Wagner had been blown up; but the story of the gunboat from Wilmington has not been confirmed, and probably was an imaginative exaggeration of the real fact. There seems no reason why Fort Wagner, which is defended by earthworks, should not hold out a long time yet, and Fort Sumter, though useless and in ruins, will not be occupied by Federal troops while it is commanded by the guns of Fort Moultrie. General Gilmore's guns were throw- ing Greek fire into Charleston on the 24th, and the inhabi- tants were leaving the city in streams. Still, till Morris Island and James Island are taken, there is no great way made towards the occupation of Charleston.