12 SEPTEMBER 1891, Page 1

All Chili has now submitted to the Parliamentarians, who seem

to be acting sensibly enough. They are letting their new army go home, and, relying on the Regular Army and Fleet, have dismissed Balmaceda's creatures without inquiries into conduct, and are about to summon a Congress to elect a Presi- dent and regularise their own acts as governing Junta. They have endorsed Balmaceda's paper money, but have refused to sanction his contracts, and will, it is believed, raise a loan of £30,000,000 to make up the losses sustained by the State and by individuals. Nothing is known of Balmaceda's where- abouts, and there is talk that he is hidden in some monastery ; but he is much more probably on his way to Europe, one at least of his steamers having left the harbour of Valparaiso just after the defeat, for an unknown destination.