12 SEPTEMBER 1896, Page 16



SIR, —A spider with tortoise-shell legs having made its web just outside one of our windows, I thought that observations concerning it might interest some of your readers. The spider remains in the exact centre of his web ; a small fly having got into it, he descended rapidly, seized the fly, turned it over on its back and wove with its legs a neat web round it, then placing it in its mouth proceeded to suck its blood. Second day's observation, at the same period of time, about 2 p.m.: it was in the same position, when a wasp came up behind it and stung it severely. It immediately disgorged a large fly and, much to its chagrin, dropped it. It then had a series of paralytic seizures or shivering fits, and to-day has been too unwell to put in an appearance, remaining snugly ensconced in a corner of the sill. The hot, heavy weather may have had something to do with this, as it was seen in position in the morning. Are spiders with tortoise-shell legs