12 SEPTEMBER 1908, Page 26

Royal Colonial Institute: Proceedings 1907 - 98. Edited by the Secretary. (Northumberland

Avenue, W.C.)—We need hardly say that this volume is, as usual, interesting from beginning to end. Sir Alfred Sharpe's valuable paper on "Nyasaland" begins with some curious details about the Central African lakes. In 1906 Lake Nyasa ceased to discharge water into the Shire. After the rains this river actually flowed into the lake instead of out of it. Economic conditions dependent on watercourses so variable must be unstable. Tanganyika similarly has now no outlet. The country seems to be prosperous, and Sir Alfred Sharpe pays a tribute of acknowledgment to the missionary societies which work there. Cotton-growing in Nigeria is the subject of another paper dell worth study. The same may be said with even more emphasis of Mr. S. S. Thorburn's "Education and Good Citizen- ship in India." "To my thinking the weakest point in the whole agitation is the fact that under any form of what is called government by the people for the people,' the strongest would come out top, in which case our Congress friends and their'

Bengali supporters would lose all that they have." But for our protection, they would go down in a moment before the fighting races. "British Guiana" is another subject which, though a little out of our usual range of observation, is of no small importance. We cannot do more than mention Lord Curzon's essay on "The Two Empires."