12 SEPTEMBER 1914, Page 2

On Wednesday evening a telegram from the Viceroy of India

to the Secretary of State was read in both Houses of Parliament. The telegram contains a summary of offers of services and money made in India to the Viceroy. The rulers of the native States, wbo number nearly seven hun- dred, have with one accord rallied to the defence of the Empire, and offered their personal services and the resources of their States. From among the many Princes and nobles who have volunteered for active service the Viceroy has selected a certain number, including the veteran Sir Pertab Singh. We wish we had space to set out the splendid roll of service, but we can only say with Emerson : " For the press of knights not every brow can receive the laurel." Twenty. seven of the larger States which maintain Imperial service troops offered their men, and the Viceroy has accepted from twelve of them contingents of infantry, cavalry, sappers, and transports, besides a camel corps from Bikaner.