12 SEPTEMBER 1925, Page 16


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

Sin,—I do not often see the Spectator, but it so happens that this week a copy of the issue of August 22nd has come into my hands, wherein I was greatly interested to find, and to read, " Layman's " excellent letter on this subject. Per-, sonally, I agree with every word he writes, and rejoice that( he has done so, for I have never yet been able to understand] how any of those who (presumably) " profess and call them-{ selves Christians " seem entirely unable, and (I fear) unwilling,) to grasp the fact that to tar the innocent and the guilty with' the same brush is, at all times, wholly antagonistic to they very first principles both of Christian charity and of British' justice ; and, as such action is (as " Layman " points out)1 based on a passage of, admittedly, doubtful authenticity,' one could have hoped that yet another British attribute— common sense—might be brought into play, at least to give the innocent party the " benefit of the doubt." As a matter of fact, I have often a couple, in point, staying with) me, and I have sometimes wondered what line my friends. and neighbours might adopt towards them (and myself)I were they to know !—I am, Sir, &c., THE WIFE, DAUGHTER, AND GRANDDAUGHTER OF A PARSON.