12 SEPTEMBER 1931, Page 26

The numerous modern reprints of mediaeval mystical works, and the

explorations of Abbe Bremond and other scholars, have restored to us many forgotten spiritual master- pieces. But these, exquisite as they often are, lack that intimate contact with our own problems and desires which can only be expected from a writer sharing the actual conditions of our modern world, and able to review them in the light of eternity. This double qualification is rare ; we are therefore the more grateful for the beautiful translation of Bishop Ottokar Prohaszka's Meditations on the Gospels (Os.) just published by Messrs. Sheed and Ward. The life and character of this great Hungarian prelate-scholar, pastor, social reformer and saint-is summed up by Father Martindale in a short introduction. Untiring in his efforts for the spiritual, social and intellectual betterment of his people, he died, worn out by-his ceaseless and varied labours, in 1927. Here we are given a glimpse of the secret life which supported his public career. A deep spirituality, a poetic imagination, an acute knowledge of human nature, inform his. meditations ; which have something in their rich and noble beauty to give Christians of all types.