12 SEPTEMBER 1941, Page 14


Sut,—May I add my plea—so excellently expressed by "A Sym- pathiser "—that invalids with small fixed incomes should have a disability-allowance from Income Tax? We must all do our share in this war, even invalids, and they are generally quite pathetically eager to grasp any tiny chance of helping that may come their way ; but to manage on an income that would only just do in peace-time, without any means of being able to augment it, is just about impossible now, and what is going to happen next year? People who can earn, even if the worst has happened and they have lost everything, can get along somehow, and for them there are war-bonuses and allowances, but for the invalid there is nothing of the kind. Most invalids bear their share gladly, but at the moment we are putting down the heaviest burden on the shoulders least able to bear it ; it is much more than

[But how is an " invalid " to be defined for official purposes?— ED., The Spectator.]