12 SEPTEMBER 1941, Page 23



two hundred and seventy-second annual general court of the .ernor and Company of Adventurers of England Trading into dun's Bay was held on Friday, September 5th in London.

Mr. P. Ashley Cocper, the governor, said that industrial activity ough 1940 bad been maintained at a high level and Canada had uced more goods and services than in any previous year of her tory. The effect of the war on the Prairie Provinces had been ed because the demand for Canadian foodstuffs had been less at than the demand for industrial products. The company's t on trading had increased by no less than £273,383, while the d department showed a decrease of £23,835. Provision for Income had increased by £257,630, leaving only £6o,000 for dividends. t had enabled them to pay the preference dividend and to recom- d i per cent. on the ordinary shares, the same as in the previous . Although land account receipts had fallen by Do,90o, they re again able to recommend a distribution of II per cent. from proceeds of land sales.

e report was adopted.