12 SEPTEMBER 1952, Page 31


[A Book Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution opened after noon on Tuesday week, September 23rd, addressed Crossword, 99 Dower Street, London, W.C.1. Envelopes must be received not later than first post that day and must bear the NUMBER of the puzzle and a 24d. stamp. Solutions must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution and the name of the winner will be published In the following issue.)

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1. After cabbage I do get space action and change. (12.) 9. Don't recognise the girl. (73 10. It turns about a politician who gets on. (7.) 11. Artless. (5.) 13. More change about the return of Malfi. (9.) 14. They are impressed by designs for money. (9.) 15. After me the fish turns tail. (5.) 17. The office of Kim. (5.) 18. Binding and not to be confused with a cordwainer. (9.) 20. " The - look on Marathon and Marathon looks on the sea." (Byron.) (9.) 22. Traditional purist. (5.1 24. Pawnbroker takes indefinite article. (7.) 25. Forest footballers. (7.) • 27. Rent amuses me. (Anag.) (12.)


I. Evidently it doesn't believe in letting sleeping cats lie. (9.)

2.Seen in the 1952 Leander crew. (3.) 3. Heroin's shaken up. (7.)

4. A come for comedians. (7.) 5. They go with the season. (11.) 6. In the afternoon the air rises. (5.) for

7. " Gently - your brother man." (Burns.) (4.)

8. A choice meat ration but inadequate. (8.)

12. The right official boat for a spell. (11.) 14. A tonic for hitch-hikers. (4, 2, 2.) 16 Male dress is no nightmare. (9.)

18. His is a pelting sort of craft. (7.) 19. Rats confused in liquor in a pen. (7.) 21. Relative part of 24. (5.) 23. Did the beau use his teeth ? (4.)

26. " The holy time is quiet as a -." (Wordsworth.) (3.)