12 SEPTEMBER 1998, Page 29

Bring back George

Sir: I applaud Janet George's article ('Marching as to war', 29 August). With Edward Duke having had the intelligence to resign as chief executive of the Country- side Affiance (a position for which he was eminently unsuited) I would now hope that the management board themselves have the collective intelligence to reinstate Janet George. As a volunteer worker in the Alliance office before the highly successful Countryside March, I was privileged to wit- ness Mrs George in action. If she is outspo- ken and abrasive, hers is definitely a style much needed by a lobbying organisation fighting hard for the rights of a rural minor- ity in the face of massive, largely urban, ignorance.

The Countryside Alliance would do well not to get bogged down in such laudable


issues as the closure of rural sub-post offices and the development of greenfield sites, but concentrate wholly on field sports, which is what their members pay them to do (the vast majority of them were previ- ously members of the British Field Sports Society and never quite understood the rea- sons for a name change anyway).

Janet George was a valuable asset to the Countryside Alliance, and she should be got back on side as soon as possible, doing what she does best, bashing antis and not her own side.

Andrew Bruce
