13 APRIL 1833, Page 11

Neutral, Absent. grillery of a gigantic fiend of pasteboard, who

appears in a cloud "Let each member have his own seat, a seat belonging to the place which be of fiery smoke, brandishing a huge three-pronged fork with all represents. that energy of action which belongs to beings with joints and "Let :be members in the different counties be seated together. muscles of packthread.

"Let tellers be appointed for each county, or for so many seats; and on the

occasion of a division, let each teller pass from one seat to another, and take The other suitor is of the softer kind. Sir Joddrell, an exceed- from each member's mouth his Aye, No, or Neutral ; if his seat were vacant, ing knave as well as coxcomb, in the person of KEELEY decked his absence would be declared, out in white and crimson, is another of the aristocracy of the " The teller of each division should immediately give his list to the Clerk of Rhine, and the usurper of the castle of Hilldersheim, of which the House appointed to receive the lists from the tellers, and it should be his Julian the lover is the rightful owner. Now see how justly Sir

duty to cast up the lists, a most simple operation. The four or five clerks an-

pointed for the purpose might then hand over their lists to the Principal Clerk, Joddrell is dealt with. He goes a-hunting with the Lady Blanche, who would add together the results. The whole of this process would consume and her waiting-maid : we see them set out, with real cream-co- ten minutes, or less. loured horses and bonfi fide greyhounds : the Grim Grey Woman "The members would, on the occasion of a debate, flock to their respective leads Sir Joddrell astray, and seizing the bridle of his steed be- seats; many of the most regular, and who were not attached to particular par- tween her nose and chin, mounts behind him ; and he is only saved ties, would be already there. from the fate of Mazeppa by being plunged into a filthy swamp. "In this way, the divisions might be taken many times in the course of a single evening ; and the frequency, so far from being an objection as was urged, But that is not all. Before he has well got sweet, he is meta- would produce greater facility in the operation, and compel a more regular at • morphosed into a scarecrow figure with bow-legs, hump-back, red tendance. hair, and a snout; and gets cuffed and kicked out of the castle by If these suggestions were acted upon, it would be seen at a his own servants ; so that, finding he may as well resign what he glance, what portions of the empire, or what great interests, were ,can hold no longer, he gets back his beautiful self in exchange for or were not represented on any particular question,—whether Juhan's castle. there was a full attendance, for instance, of Metropolitan members Besides the views of which we have spoken, there are some when the repeal of the Assessed Taxes was under discussion ; magnificent Gothic and other interiors, designed and decorated in whether the seats appropriated to the representatives for York- splendid and correct taste; especially a tapestried chamber, which -shire or.Lancashire were empty or occupied when the abolition of is the most beautiful-thing of the Mild we have seen on the stage. It is evident that the plan.of the Westminster Review would render a new House of Commons- necessary. The fact that the pre- sent one will scarcely accommodate half the members, is of itself a sufficient proof of the slovenly mode in which Parliamentary business has hitherto been conducted. We trust that the Com- mittee now sitting upon this subject will report in favour of a new, capacious, and airy building. We suspect that there are few "lock-up houses " in London where the air is so pestilential as in the present House of Commons on a "field night." Every session, valuable members of' society and conscientious servants of the public fall victims to it.