13 APRIL 1839, Page 5


In consequence of the call made by the Precursor Society, the " simultaneous meetings " took place on Sunday, to petition the 1 louse of Commons and address the Queen in favour of the present Ministry. All the parishes of Dublin assembled. In St. Paul's the meeting com- menced after last mass ; but, as the room was too small, it was ad- journed to the open air, in a yard adjacent to the Roman Catholic chapel. Mr. O'Connell attended the meetings in St. Paul's, St. Cathe- rine's, and two or three other parishes.—Times Dublin Cormsymacnt. Lord Roden used his influence to get some of his friends to attend„the Levee. His Lordship reflised to present the address to the Queen to rescind Lord Fortescue's appointment : he has a high personal regard for him. His Excellency is to have a domestic chaplain to reside with him, who is to read prayers morning and evening.—Liincrick Chrimiele.