13 APRIL 1839, Page 7

The "great meeting" in suppport of Ministers was held at

the Theatre in Dublin on Thursday. The Duke of Leinster took time chair, on the motion of the Earl of Charlemont, seconded by the Marquis of Headfort ; and many Whig noblemen and gentlemen supported him. A party of Orangemen gained admission into the body of the meeting, and raised much disturbance. A fierce battle raged for sonic time, till the Police quelled the riot. The first resolution, moved by the Earl of Fingal!, one of the Queen's Household, was- " That it is the decided opinion of this meeting, that it is equally due to the People and the Crown, that the Gocermnent should persevere in those prim- ciples which have guided the Executive Government in Ireland of late years, and which have produced the effectual edministration of the hot and the gene- ral improvement of this part of the United Kingdom."

[This, it will be observed, is Lord John Russell's identical resolution for the 13th 1 There is such a thing as too great alacrity in subser- viency. Lord John must now move the House of Commons to adopt the res,fintion preciously passed by his own partisans of the " Tail :" The effect will be sublimely ridiculous.]