13 APRIL 1850, Page 10



The English Funds were slightly depressed by the occurrence of settling- day, a large quantity of Stock being in the hands of weak holders : Consols fell to 951 for Money, but rallied again to 96, while the quotation for the May Account was 961 f. It was rumoured yesterday afternoon that Minis- ters were likely to be hard run in the division on Mr. Disraeli's motion this evening : some speculative sales were consequently made, and the price fell back the whole of the previous advance. More firmness has been ob- servable today ; and the closing quotations of Consols are 954 96 for Money and 96 4 for the May Account. A considerable demand for money has occurred in the Stock Exchange ; but there was a plentiful supply at an in- terest of from 2 to 25 per cent per annum. The rate of discount continua; the same as last week.

The usual quarterly statement of the surplus revenue for the year ending

the 5th i January last has been published in the Gazette. The actual us for the year s stated at 2,098,126/. 2s. ld. ; of which one-fourth, or 524,5311. Ns. 6d., is applicable to the reduction of the National Debt : an addition of 4945/. os. 11d. the amount of donations and bequests to be applied to the cancelling of Sleek, make the whole sum applicable to the reduction of the Debt during the current quarter 526,476/. 16s. 5r/.

• In the Foreign Market, prices have been more elastic than for some time. Both Russian and Danish Scrip have advanced, the former about 4 per cent, and the latter about 1 per cent. A fair demand has arisen for the paid-up stock of both these loans, which it would appear are undergoing a gradual process of absorption. A-meeting of the Mexican Bondholders was held to-

y' when it was determined to appoint a new Committee, and the names of fifteen gentlemen were submitted to the meeting. The Stock has been firmer during the last few days, though without any large busi- ness' the price today, 291, being from I to 1 per cent above that of last week. Peruvian Bonds of both varieties are better than last week; several purchases having occurred, from which it is evident that the ' recent low prices have brought in real buyers. Portuguese Bonds are slightly firmer in the almost total absence of business. An impulse has been given to Spanish Stock, in consequence of a decree authorizing the formation of a Commission to suggest a plan for the consolidation of the debt ; such plan to be presented to the Cortes at their meeting in September. It has been currently stated, and for some time was believed, that the Commission had deterznimed to recommend the eonversion of the whole of the Active Debt and the 50 per cent of over-due Dividends which will have accrued thereon upon the 1st November next, into a Stock bearing 1 per cent in-- terest redeemable at 20. If this plan be carried into effect, the amount of the Spanish Active Debt will be augmented to nearly 80,000,000/.-viz. :

The Railway Shares are all lower ; the principal ones being generally at a depreciation of from 1/. to 2/. below our last prices : South-eastern are nearly 11. lower.


land, 334; Ditto 501., 25; North British, 7. are consequently 4 per cent lower. The opening price of Consols was 954 only change in the Foreign Market is in Peruvian Stock ; which is firmer, the Active being 684 and the IIeferred 285. The Share Market is heavy ; the following are the principal bargains recorded-Great Western, 50; Lan- cashire and Yorkshire, 325; Brighton, 764; North-western, 1035 3; Mid- for Money and 954 6 for Account, which are the present quotations. The The French Funds fell 1 per cent yesterday in Paris ; the English Funds


It is reported that telegraphic accounts of an unfavourable nature have been received from Paris. The English Funds have declined, in conse- quence of some considerable speculative sales : prices fell 5 per cent below the morning's quotations, but rallied slightly before the close of business. Consols have been done for Account at 955, while the lowest quotation for Money is 954. The only change of importance in the Foreign Market is an advance in Peruvian Stock. The following are the principal transactions- Buenos Ayres, 545 535; Chilian, 98; Danish Three per Cents, 70; Equador, 31; Mexican, 291 294 284 ; Peruvian, 684 9-1 5 ; Mtto Deferred, 284 4 f ; Portuguese, 3243; Russian Four-and-a-half per Gent Stock, 945; Ditto Scrip, 2 premium; Spanish Active, 184; Ditto Passive, 34 f ; Dutch Two- and-a-half, 564 64.

The Railway Share Market is still heavy, in consequence of the pressure of real sales : it -will be seen that most of the principal shares have declined in the course of the day. The following are the principal transactions-Cale- donian, 75; Ditto Preference, 51; Eastern Counties, 74 7; Ditto Preference, 114; East Lancashire, 64; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 2647 ; Great Northern, Veit f1;71.Grat LWeieisetteteril, e60119150rT 9 lAtitl Quarter-trirers,-elh2efr Deito, Ditto Elf& 101 die.; Ditto Preference, 114; London, Brighton and South Coast, 761 7'65 ; Ditto Guaranteed 5 per Cents, late Croydon Thirds, 104; London and North-western' 1025 3 24; Ditto New Quarter-shares, 104; London and South-western, 585; Midland, 335 11 25 ; North British, 7 ; North Staffordshire, 64 if ; South-eastern and Dover' 134 124; York, New- and New- castle and Berwick, 111 5 f ; Ditto Original N. andB., 61 ! f ; Boulogne castle, 64 6 4; Northern of France, 124 Ili.

3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced .....

3 Cents

Long Annuities Bank Stock Exchequer Bills India Stock Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 44 per Cents Chiban 6 per Cents Danish 5 per Cents. „ .:.


„.„ ' 954 954 4

. 96 4

4 8 1-1 3-16 205 7 • 68 70 --- 86 8 88 90 96 98 " 94 6 Danish 3 per Cents ..... .....

Dutch 24 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 5 per Cents 1846 .., Peruvian 6 per Cents Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842. Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824. Russian 5 per Cents Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents. Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 Venezuela

69 71 554 64 85 86 284 94• 68 69 326 34 84 6 106 108 184 4 37 4 31 12

Original Amount of Active Debt about Add 50 per cent of Arrears of Dividends Deferred Stock converted into Active,

about 412,000,000

£40,000,000 20,000,000 60,000,000 Of which about 4,000,0001. has 50 per cent, of over-due Dividends 2,000,000

3,000,000/....40 per cent 1,200,000

3,000,0001._ .25 per cent 750,000

2,000,0001....124 per cent.


