13 APRIL 1878, Page 17


(To THE EDITOR OF THE ..sescrszoa."1

is no doubt unfair, as a general principle, that extra burdens should be borne four-fifths by the classes liable to Income-tax, and only one-fifth by the whole people. But the present cases is exceptional, and the Chancellor of the Exchequer has obviously taken a leaf out of his leader's book. Can you not see Lord Beaconsfield's ironical satisfaction at making the dupes of his policy pay for it ? Speaking roughly, it is the Income-tax payers, or a majority of them, who have chiefly sustained the Government in a course which has led us to the brink of war. To complete poetical justice, the remainder of the extra charge ought to have been met by a new tax, so devised as to fall on the Music Halls and their frequenters.—I am, Sir, &c., G.