13 APRIL 1878, Page 17


[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—In his letter printed by you on the 6th, the Rev. F. W. Harper says that Logic, the Liberationists, and Sir Wilfrid Lawson declare that the churchyards and the churches must go together. Logic and Sir Wilfrid Lawson ! "Powers of Heaven! such names united !" And Mr. Harper,—an Englishman, and believes in logic ! "A fireman, and afraid of bumps !" I am an Irishman, and when we get into practical politics, I believe not in logic, but in precedent ; and in my former letter I pointed out a precedent in the Irish Burials Act and the Irish Church Act which has the unusual property of being perfectly applicable, and decides against the view of Sir Wilfrid Lawson and the Liberationists as completely as a precedent can do.

If such men as Mr. Harper were wise, they would deprive their opponents of the argument which he thinks so formidable, by showing that they are not convinced by it, and granting the demand of the Dissenters as to the Churchyards.—I am, Sir, &c., JOSEPH JOHN MURPHY. Old Forge, Dunmurry, County Antrim.