13 APRIL 1889, Page 1

The condition of affairs in Ronmania is believed in Vienna

to be growing serious. King Charles, after great efforts to avert the necessity, has been compelled to admit a Ministry exclusively belonging to the Boyar party, and therefore entirely Russophil, and, it is believed, hostile to the dynasty. Its head is M. Catargi, a pronounced enemy of Austria. Their plan is to make a new compact with Russia, which would thus be supreme along the course of the Danube, and at liberty to march into Bulgaria. There is a rumour that King Charles will abdicate ; but Hohenzollerns are bad to beat, and he can only abdicate at last. He cannot have lost all influence with the Army, and before imitating King Milan, he may take counsel of despair. The power of dissolution, and of per- sonally appealing to the people, is always in his hands.