13 APRIL 1895, Page 25

Five Months' Sport in Somali Land. By Lord Wolverton. (Chapman

and Hall.) — This account of a visit to Somaliland is the very barest record of marching and sport, and can be run through in half-an-hour. It is interesting enough to make us wish for more ; as it is, the volume is not likely to bore any one, so short is it. There is little that refers to subjects of other interest. Perhaps Lord Wolverton felt diffident of his literary qualifications ; but to make such a brief record is to throw a -chance away, for Somaliland is not well known. Lions seem to have been as plentiful as blackberries, and Somaliland, in addition, seems to be that land where man's hand is raised against his neighbour, and where the rights of property have not developed into a science as yet.