13 APRIL 1918, Page 10


[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR."] Sia,—The Spectator is the only paper that has allowed attention to be called in its columns to the wanton extravagance that now goes on unchecked in Ireland in the matter of judicial appoint- ments. It was pointed out that in December of last year a vacancy in the King's Bench Division, that had existed for three years, was suddenly filled up by the appointment of a Unionist M.P. No excuse or explanation could be or was forthcoming. The High Court business is rapidly diminishing, and it is notorious that most of the K.B.D. Judges are not occupied for half their time. The cost of this appointment to the country is about £3,500 per annum. After a decent interval the Mastership of the King's Bench Division is suddenly filled up. The salary of the post is, I think, £1,500 per annum. This office is a perfect sinecure, as proved by the fact that the retiring Master has been absent on war service for the last three years without any inconvenience to the public service. These were Unionist appointments, but no Nationalist protest was made in Parliament or in the Press. The reason was obvious. Compensation was expected. It has now arrived. Last month a County Court Judgeship vacancy was filled, although, as pointed out by your correspondent " King's Inn," there are twenty County Court Judges in Ireland, who only sit for three months in the year. The climax has at last been reached by the appointment of the Attorney-General (Nationalist) to the vacancy in the Chancery Division. Of the eight Judges of the King's Bench Division, seven are liable to be transferred to the other Division, having been appointed since the Judicature Act, with or without their consent. They are all experienced in Chancery -work. Further, there are two High Court Judges out- side the Chancery Division who have practically nothing to do. Could there be a greater scandal ? Is there nobody in Parlia- ment independent enough to call for the impeachment of those responsible for these shameless jobs? All this has been 'done at a time when our last shilling is demanded to preserve our national