13 APRIL 1929, Page 18


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

Sts,—As the letter of mine which you inserted in your issue of March 30th, showing how caddies were given daily work on an adjoining allotment garden, seems to have aroused interest, may I supplement further details of the scheme.

The scheme was started on the West Surrey golf links in 1912, and continued until August, 1914—two and a-half years. All caddies were employed on the garden and were called up as required on the links. In the garden they were under the supervision of a professional gardener. No difficulty was experienced in selling the produce.

Members of the Golf Club subscribed 5s. each annually. The caddies received a weekly wage which depended on their earnings on the links and was supplemented by a proportion of the money accruing from the sale of garden produce. The week was one of five days only (Saturdays and Sundays being free for ordinary caddying). In bad or unsuitable weather the boys were employed in a shed in making bundles of fire- wood. After leaving, no difficulty was experienced in finding suitable employment. In the early summer of 1914 there was every evidence that the scheme would very soon be self. supporting.

May I add that at golf chills where conditions are more or less similar, there is really no reason why similar schethes should not be successfully run.—I am, Sir, &c.


Prior's Wood, Compton, near Guildford.

P.S.—May I add that Mr. Howlett who was then and still is the professional to the Club, gave us every assistance.