12 APRIL 1945, Page 13


SIR,—II has been stated once again that, in 1917, the late Lord Lloyd George enforced the Convoy System upon the Admiralty. This is only half the truth, and—as the widow of Admiral Sir Alexander Duff—I happen to be able to supply the other half of it. In my husband's oft- quoted Minute of April 26th, 1917, he stated that the time had come when the Admiralty must be prepared to introduce a Comprehensive system of Convoy. (The italics are mine.) On May 7th, t917, he wrote to Admiral Sir George Bethell (C.-in-C. Devonport) that the War Cabinet was trying to force the Admiralty to adopt a Partial system (my italics again), and he added: " which, as I pointed out, would be folly." The partial system was duly tried, and proved—as the naval experts had fore- seen—but a partial success, for the enemy naturally attacked the un-. escorted ships. It was abandoned after three months—chiefly upon my husband's r!presentations—in favour of the general system. The results then spoke for themselves. I have written here nothing that cannot be substantiated by contemporary .and documentary material, some of it in my possession, and—hitherto--unpublished.-1 am, Sir, yours faithfully,