13 AUGUST 1836, Page 13


BIRTHS. On the 3d inst., at Eden Hall, Lady 51 rsonAvE, of a (laughter. On the 7th inst., at studley Castle, the Lady of Sir FRANCIS GOODRICKE, Bart., MX., of a son met boil.

At Palmerston Meese. the Countess of DONOVOHMoRE, of a daughter. On the lithe inst., in Park Lane, the Countess of lasreoLsr, of a son. Outlet' 10th inst., in Mancleester Street, the Lady of HAMILTON GILL, Esq.,of Shenley Lodge, of a son and heir.

On the 10111 inst., in George Street, Westeninst T, flee Lady of Dr. LUSHINGTON, M.P., of a daughter.

On the 10th inst., in Lancaster Place, Ms. E memo:, WILLorminv, of a sm. On the 4th iusL, at Dillon (France), the Lady of Lieut.-Col. EDEN, 56th Regt., of a son.

On the 18th ult., at Naples. the Lady of Jona KENNEDY, Esq., his Brittanic Ma- ally's Secretary of Legation, of a son. MARRIAGES.

On the 27th June, at the Palace. Corfu, Lieut.-Col. FRANCle IL Davraurs, Military Secretary to the Commauder of the Forces. son of Henry Dawkins, Esq., of sansate. Kent, tu ANNE. eldest daughter. of Major-General Sir Howard Douglas, Lord High Commissioner of and commanding the troops in the Ionian Islands.

On thee 2(1 inst., at Lady llouyillateS, Shadwick Ptace, Edinburgh, MICHAEL CAR' MICHAEL, Esq., younger or Eastend, to MARY M'QUEEN THOMSON 11o:trams, only daughter of the late William Thomson llonyman. Esq.. of Mansfield.

On the Stle inst., at Hampstead Church, Captain HENRI? (i RIBBLE, of the Honour:ibis East India Company, to HARRIET, daughttr. of Eduard Toiler, Esq., of Hampstead Heath.

On the 10th iust.. at St. George's, 11.1nover i'quu.tre, the Rev. GEORGE Gomm:strum Lysia. to the liou. Mrs. PERCY FRASER.

011 the SIhI inSt., at Langley, 1/11CItS, the Rev. Unsay THOMAS kocites. of Lang ley House, to i'ssr,.oev., eldest daughter of the Rev. W. G. Freeman, Rector tel Miltou•

On the 401 inst. the Rev. Bowmen Rim Head Master of Christ's Hospital, to Mrs. ltrrets. N of Aheleisgilu' Steed. On the 26th ult.. at Brighton, by the Rev. John Charles Barkley. C. F. BARKLEY, HSI] , of Upper Halliford. Middlesex, to ARNE ELIZA, only child of the late Robert Murray, Esq., of Kuu:e1et:ele in the island of Jamaica, aud niece of the late Brigadier- G eneral Murray, or t he 16th Lancers. On the 6th inSt. at St. OeDige.S, IlallOter Square, A BRAHANI GEOROK, eldest son of A. W. Robarts, Esq., M.I'., to ELI]. ABETH SARAH, eldest daughter of the late John Henry Sens th Esq., of II eath, he the County of York. the the, Iffile best., at It tangle Church. the, Rev. A RTITUR Loy I rs, see(end son of the late General Lollies, tee MARY ANNA RAY, Only child of the Rev. W. It. Clayton, of Norwich, and Rector of It burgh. On the 10th inst., at Layton. Essex. 11.P. SyMONS, ISP.. Al'antell of Wadham College OX101,:, to L v Dia, eldest daughter of John Mastermau, Esq., of Layton.


On the 5th inst., at Towneley, I ancaster. HARRAH.% Lady STANLEY, daughter of the late John Tow ueley, and relict of Sir William Stanley, Bart., of Houton, Cheshire, in her 79; le year.

On the 7th inst., at Ids resilience he Portman Street, Portman Square, Lieut.-Gen. HENRY RALEIGH On 111e k111 in.t., at Ike Rectory I louse, St. Paul's Cray, Kent. dr, Rev. Joust Simons L.B.B., in his t33(1 year, having been Hector of Paul's Cray lefty seven years. On the 3d inst.. tet Woodmaus, near King's Langley. Ensue, Wife, oh Bulkley J. M. Praell, Esq.. in her 31st y ear.

On the 22th ult., after several years of acute suffering. at his residence in Glouces- ter, WILLIAM TWYNINO, Esq., of Bry et, and of Lampeter House, in the County of Pembroke.

On the ffile inst., suddenly, THOMAS BENNETT Smrrn, Esq., of Ileuley-owThames, in his 151st year.

On the 7111 inst., at Manor Peet:ham, Mrs. Ilurn MASEY, Widow of the late Samuel Nhesey, Esq., in her 87th year. At the Francisean Nunnery, Gabe ay. Miss MARCELTA MARTYN, in her 102(1 year. At Millingiva. near Pueslington, Mr. W i LLIAM RICKEL, y coattail, in his 94th year. At Knockrusueeny, Ireland, NIAROARET, Wife of the late Mr. David Ring, in leer 110th 'y ear. At Wurcester, in his 93th year, retaining his faculties to the last, Tuomas CARDEN, Esq.