13 AUGUST 1859, Page 10



Parliament was prorogued today, until the 27th October, by Royal Commission, and the following speech was delivered.

"My Lords and Gentlemen—We are commanded by her Majesty to release you from further attendance in Parliament, and at the same tune to convey to you her Majesty's acknowledgment for the zeal and assiduity with winch you have applied yourselves to the performance of your duties during the session of Parliament now about to close. " Various circumstances which occasioned interruptions in the usual course of business prevented the completion of important matters which her Majesty pointed out to the attention of her Parliament in the beginning of the present year ; but her Majesty trusts that those matters will be taken iuto your earnest consideration at an early period of the next session. "The war which had broken out in Northern Italy having been brought to a close by the peace of Villafranca, various overtures have been made to her Majesty with a view to ascertain whether, if conferences should be held by the great Powers of Europe, for the purpose of settling arrangements connected with the present state and future condition of Italy, a plenipo- tentiary would be sent by her Majesty to assist at such conferences but her Majesty has not yet received the information necessary to enable her Majesty to decide whether she may think fit to take part in any such nego- tiations.

"Her Majesty would rejoice to find herself able to contribute to the es- tablishment of arrangements calculated to place the general peace on a sa- tisfactory and lasting foundation. " Her Majesty, in accordance with the stipulations of the Treaty of Tiensing,. has instructed her Plenipotentiary in China to repair to the Im- perial Government at Pekin, and her Majesty trusts that such direct com- munication with the Imperial Government will have a beneficent effect upon the relations between the two countries. Her Majesty commands us to inform you that she looks forward with confidence to the continued maintenance of those friendly relations which so happily subsist between her Majesty and all foreign Powers and States.

" Her Majesty is glad to be able to congratulate you on the complete restoration of tranquillity in her Indian dominions. It will be her earnest endeavour to promote their internal improvement, and to obliterate the traces of those conflicts which her Majesty witnessed with such deep con- cern.

"The financial arrangements of that portion of her Majesty's empire will continue to engage her Majesty's serious attention. " Her Majesty has had much satisfaction in giving her assent to the bills which you presented to her for the preparation of a naval and military re- serve force. A complete and permanent system of national defences must at all times be en object of paramount importance.

" Gentlemen of the House of Commons—Her Majesty commands us to convey to you her cordial thanks for the readiness and zeal with which you have provided the necessary supplies for the service of the year.

My Lords and Gentlemen—Her Majesty commands us to express to you her heartfelt gratification at witnessing the general well-being and content- ment which prevail throughout her dominions. The happiness of her Ma- jesty's people is the object dearest to her heart. "In returning to your respective counties you will have duties to perform intimately connected with the attainment of this great end, and her Ma- jesty fervently prays that the blessing of Almighty God may attend your ex- ertions in the performance of those duties for the common good of all classes of her Majesty's subjects."

The House of Commons last night was occupied with a variety of miscellaneous business. Several notices of motion for "next session" were given. Mr. Mauna moved that a writ should be issued for a new election at Hull in the room of Mr. Hoare, unseated on petition. A sessional order requires two days' notice in every case where a member is unseated for bribery. Mr. PULLER, chairman of the Election Committee, interposed no objection, but Sir GEORGE GREY thought that the rule should be adhered to. It was arranged that the notice should be given for Saturday ; that the sessional order should be then suspended, and the motion for a new writ agreed to. Mr. EDWIN JAMES moved than an address should be presented to the Queen praying that a Commission might be issued to inquire into the corrupt practices which extensively prevailed at the last Gloucester Elec- tion ; and that Mr. J. Ball, Mr. L. H. Fitzgerald, and Mr. R. Welford should be appointed Commissioners. Mr. TrrE seconded the motion. Objections were raised to these Commissions by Mr. MELLOR and Mr. HADFIELD. Mr. MaLnui thought the bribers should be punished. The House divided and carried the motion by 69 to 38.

Mr. WALPOLE brought up the report from the Committee, and asked that it might be printed. Several members asked Mr. Walpole for a statement, but the right honourable gentleman made none.

Mr. CAMPBELL moved the following resolution- " That this House feels bound, before the session closes, to express the deep respect it entertains for the firm and honourable manner in which the government of Portugal has acted in its treaties with Great Britain, in re- straining Negro exportation from the Eastern Coast of Africa in 1867 and 1858 ; that this House fully recognizes the zeal with which the Emperor of the French has resolved to cheek the slave trade in all its forms through his dominions."

Mr. BUXTON seconded the motion.

Sir GEORGE GREY said that a correspondence was going on on the subject between the governments, and he hoped the honourable gentleman would not press his motion at this late period of the session. The motion was withdrawn.

Mr. BRADY called the attention of the House to the circumstance under which Mr. Pullen, an officer of the Exeter Union, was dismissed. He spoke to about twenty Members, when Mr. Morison moved that the House be counted. The Speaker declined to put it, and Mr. BEADY went on. It was supposed that this was on account of a Conference which was going on. The report of a Conference was brought up, and Mr. KNIGHT moved that the House be counted. The SPEAKER called Mr. Knight to him, and the motion was not put. At length another attempt was made to count, and the bells were rung outside. At a quarter to 7, there being twenty-nine Members present, the House was counted out. The House of Lords sat for a short time. A number of bills among which were the East India Loan Bill and the Consolidated Fund Appro- priation Bill were read a third time and passed.

A conference took place between their lordships and the House Of Commons respecting the opening of a Commission to inquire'into the corrupt practices alleged to have been resorted to at the late election for Gloucester ; and on the motion of the Duns of Somassnr, an address to her Majesty for a Royal Commission was agreed to.

Mr. Goulburn has been appointed Deputy-Chairman of the Board of Customs in the room of Mr. Spring Rice, resigned in consequence of ill- health. The seat at the board vacant by the promotion of Mr. Goulburn will be filled by Mr. Ralph William Grey, M.P.—Globe.