13 AUGUST 1859, Page 9

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franif.—All Paris is alive with delight at the prospect of the splendid spectacles that are to celebrate the entry of the army of Italy into Paris on the 14th, and the Emperor's fête on the 15th.

"A considerable number of workmen are occupied in building triumphal arches on the line which the troops will follow. The Place Vendome will be surrounded with seats so as to form an immense circus capable of contain- ing 21,000 spectators. A separate estrade is to be reserved for the Empress o site the spot which will be occupied by the Emperor while the troops file

o A richly-decorated awning will cover the two sides to protect the spec- tators from the sun. There will be several triumphal arches on the Boule- vards; and one erected near the barracks of the Prince Eugene, Boulevard du Temple, will be an imitation of the facade of the Cathedral of Milan. The Army of Italy will enter Paris by the Barriere du Tr6ne, descend the Faubourg St. Antoine, march along the Boulevards to the Rue de la Paix ; and, crossing the Place Vendome, proceed by the Rues Castiglione and Rivoli to the Place de la Concorde. The National Guard of the department of the Seineis to line one side of the way, and the army of the East Division of France the other. The Algerian Native Riflemen (Turcos) are to form part of the regiments which are to enter. The troops will commence their movement from the Bastille at eleven. The Emperor is to meet them there, it is said, and will then precede them to the Place Vendome. It is supposed that the whole ceremony will occupy about four hours. The fete of the 15th will consist of the usual popular amusements, preceded by an abundant distribu- tion of alms and food to the poor. A grand Te Deum will take place at Notre-Dame, at which their Majesties are to attend. The principal theatres in Paris will be opened gratuitously to the public. At night there will be a grand illumination' and, in addition to the usual display at the public offices, it is proposed to cover with painted canvas the fifty-two wooden towers erected in different parts of Paris, as stations for the new trigonome- trical survey, and to place a star on the summit of each, like that seen over the Palace of the Legion of Honour. At nine o'clock there will be a grand display of fireworks on the heights of Trocadero, which is being pre. pared by Ruggieri. The first part will represent the colours of France, Sardinia, and Italy; the second a temple of victory, dedicated to the Em- peror and the army ; and the last is to consist of the bouquet, which is to be of unusual magnificence."

There will be banquets at the Hotel de Ville and the Tuileries, and the i bishops have been instructed to put up special prayers on the 15th to thank Providence for having inspired the Emperor with those noble de- - signs which led to Magenta and Solferino. The Emperor gave an audience to Prince Richard Metternich on Sun- day, and Immediately afterwards started for Chalons. At the camp there the battle of Solferino has been fought over again in mimic show. On Tuesday gie Emperor somewhat unexpectedly left the camp for Plombieres, he has now returned to Paris.

31. Granier de Cassagnac has fired off a noisy article against Belgium, becase the Belgian Ministry have revived the old proposal to fortify Antwerp. He treats it as an English inspiration To consider the Channel as a river, and to make Antwerp a formidable tete-de-pont, which would enable English troops to disembark and to esta- blish themselves when they please on the Continent, that is a reason which, in default of others, logically explains the design which Belgium appears to entertain of constructing costly fortifications against an imaginary enemy, i against attacks which common sense renders improbable, and treaties im- possible. Either the project of fortifying Antwerp has that signification or it has none at all."

The Inckpendance Beige and the French Union have both replied to this fulminating leader with dignity and reason. The imputation im- plied against England is remarkable. It has been observed that M. Granier de Cassagnac's article had a bad effect on the Bourse. Prince Napoleon has paid a visit to Cherbourg, and has inspected the whole of its establishments.

taitIrrlank.—The Plenipotentiaries have met at Zurich and ex- changed becoming civilities with the Swiss authorities. They have per- formed the due amount of calls, and banquets are in due course of pre- paration.

The first meeting took place on Monday, at the Hotel Baur, and it is remarked that the Sardinian envoys were present, but on Wednesday the Austrian and French envoys met alone ; and on Thursday there was no sitting. Instead thereof, M. de Bourqueney and Count Colloredo con- ferred, and M. de Bourqueney and Signor Desambrois conferred, sepa- rately. After this Baron Meysenburg, the colleague of Count Colloredo, set out for Vienna.

Mold.—Great agitation still prevails in the Duchies and Legations ; but the peace has nowhere been broken unless the following portentous -report from Vienna be true—

"The official Austrian Correspondence of this 1Thursday] evening con- tains private intelligence, dated Parma, the 9th instant, stating that the Piedmontese had been driven from the city. The Red Republic had been proclaimed. Property-holders and the friends of order were taking flight." Up to last night this report had not been confirmed, but the preceding advices from Parma, and the excitement consequent on the withdrawal of Signor Pallieri, the Sardinian Commissioner, give some colour to the story. French troops were to occupy Piacenza.

In Tuscany the elections have passed off with great dignity, and all the 'minister's and their supporters were elected. A similar assembly has been convoked at Bologna. Sanguine correspondents of foreign journals look for the downfall of Antonelli, and speak of the proximate adoption of the Code Napoleon, minus the clause touching marriage by civil contract, by the Papal Government. This looks too good to be true. Antonelli is to be replaced by a Cardinal of the French party.

The popular government of the Legations is badly off for money to main- tain its troops. In Venetia Austria is acting on her old plan, and raising forced loans. The amnesty of Villafranca has not been applied to Venice. There are 200,000 Austrian troops in Venetia. Notwithstanding the denial given by the Lombardia to the rumour that Count de Reiset has a mission to promote the restoration of the exiled Dukes, it is repeated from all quarters. It is said that the Sar- dinian Government readily agreed to recall the Commissioner at Panne. But when Count de Reiset further demanded the assistance of the Sardinian Government to promote the restoration of the Italian princes, the president of the council expressed his regret that on this point ho could not meet the wishes of the French Government, as he had on the others. The King did the same. Count de Reiset has been to Parma, and has gone to Modena. King Victor Emmanuel rode into Milan on Sunday, and was warmly welcomed by his new subjects. Signor Ratazzi has been reelected for Alessandria.

About 50,000 French troops are to remain in Italy.

According to official despatches the Ministers of England and France have completely failed in persuading the King of Naples to make any reforms. General Filangieri is about to retire from office.

§frIltalt11.—The relations between Austria and Prussia, if we may judge from the German journals and the tenor of the correspondence, are of no pleasant nature. The Austrian newspapers bitterly reproach Prussia, and the Prussian journals reciprocate the plain speaking. At Frankfort the Austrian and Bavariantroops have come to blows with the Prussians in the streets, and more than one combat has occurred.

A communication from Vienna states that well-informed persons are of opinion that the Emperor's birthday, the 18th instant, will witness the publication of the late reforms promised by the imperial manifesto, and especially the important provincial constitutions. The King of Prussia has again fallen seriously ill. He was seized when walking in the gardens of Sans Send. His mind, it is said, be- came clearer, as his illness increased in severity. It is described as " congestion of blood to the head." The Prince Regent has left Ems for Berlin.

The latest reports from Berlin speak of a diminution in the symptoms of congestion ; but describe the health of the King as "the same."

g a ritt4.—Intelligence from Belgrade, dated August 5, states that the 'Paella in command of the fortress has greatly irritated the Seivian Government by ordering, without any right, the construction of a ram- part round the town. He has likewise ordered a plan for the alignment of Belgrade to be made, which the Servians wish to prevent. The Pada has also ceded to an Austrian company a plot of ground within the for- tress, for the purpose of organizing a system of protection against smug- gling into Servia. It is feared that serious complications may arise. 'The population is in an excited state.

The Constantinople papers announce that the last earthquake has en- tirely destroyed the town of Etzeroum, and has even demolished the ramparts of the town.

The Sultan has sanctioned the double election of Prince Couza on con- dition that he comes to Constantinople to render homage.