13 AUGUST 1927, Page 16

ROADS IN THE LAKE DISTRICT [To the Editor of the


SIR,—Your Motoring Correspondent " C. A. R." is not quite correct when he states in your issue of July 30th, p. 201, that there are many gates on the road to the west of Derwentwater which have to be opened and closed by motorists.

There is a gate on the road in question situated at Manesty Farm, which is opened by a disabled one-time Bradford wool comber, but this is the only gate on the lake road proper. A second gate is to be met with on the approach into Keswick ; here is stationed a disabled ex-Service man who opens the gate for all concerned. I am sure your Motoring Correspondent would like it to be made generally known that one of the most beautiful of " ten mile runs " in the whole country is free from the closed gate problem.

Incidentally, I would like to add that the road surface from Grange to Seatoller is comparatively good. Road work is proceeding apace on this particular four miles, and in actual fact, the really bad surface, i.e., for motorists, is not met with on this particular road until the descent (if any) is made from the top of Honister in the Buttermere direction. Motorists are not recommended to take the Buttermere side either up or down. The popular practicable run is to go up to the top of Hollister from the Seatoller side, walk or climb from there, returning by the Toll road the same way.—I am, Sir, &c., ERNEST N. TAYLOR.

4 Claremont Gardens, Monkseaton, Northumberland.