13 AUGUST 1954, Page 14


-SIR.—Mr. John Arlott, writing on ' Euphonies V. Crakes' says, with reference to ' an old Wisden': ' It was intriguing to obey the in- struction of the entry " Blayds, Mr. E. (see Calverley. Mr. E.)7 and find—" formerly Blayds." Why 7—Was some great fortune left him conditionally upon a change of name ?-- or, for I see he was at Cambridge, was his reason reverence for the light verse of C. S. Calverley 7 ' The answer, perhaps, lies somewhat closer. If Mr. Arlon will turn .,to p. xvii of the Biographical Notice in The Works of Charles Stuart Calverley (G. Bell & Sons, 1918), he may read:

' C. S. C'.' . . . was born on December 22. 1831; his father (was] then known as the Rev.

Henry Blayds. . . The family, who had borne the name of Blayds from the beginning of the century. in 1852 resumed their proper name of • Calverley, under which they had flourished from before the Norman Conquest in their native county of York. . . . It was as Blayds that Charles Stuart won, his repu- tation at 'Harrow and Oxford; at Cambridge he was known' as Calverley.--Yours faithfully, P. G. HUNTER Hill Farm House, Akeley, near Buckingham P. G. HUNTER Hill Farm House, Akeley, near Buckingham