13 DECEMBER 1828, Page 12


Part First f the Messiah, an Oratorio, in complete Score, composed by G. Thindri, as first performed in the Year 17,41, with all his subs,quent ,illmition, and A,blitions ; ilypendoi fir which, in a diS inCt first, ore. ihr

Accompaniment, fir Wind Imtruments, added by Tr. Micro'!. Thr wholo ertrefully rerised ant arronzed with a compressed Accompaniment for the Pianoforte or Organ, by J. ADDISON.

AT length we have the satisfaction of seeing an edition of HANoirfs Messiah in a complete state. It is curious that till now no edition but a German one existed for the use of those amateurs who chose to examine the score of this great -tvoik ; and in this copy MozAter's contributions were so mixed up with HANoxios original matter, that none but those thoroughly tequainted with 1 he characteristics of style displapiti !,y the two masters could tell which was the properly of either. Messrs. GOULDING and CU.

have, in the iterantirement if A IninsoN, presented us with n work Id for the professor, lite arnatianr, the student, and tO ehoeits-sineer. What Mozivirr has added, is given in sand! notes, to I uint from the text. The arrangement for the Pianoforte, to ilich is well executed, places tho work within the power of co('.CIII ion ny private circle' of perform( iii. An inteliasling itet'ee of] otif, t volume, and ailito rOt exquisite te,e "

have no hesitation in saying that this is decidedly the completest edition of a classical work that has been published within our memory. "

Oh! where do Fairies Mile their heads." The Poetry by THOMAS H. BAYLEY*, the Symphonies and Accompaniments by I-WIRY R. BISHOP. TII/S song is prettily conceived. The accompaniment trips about, reminding us of Titania and her attendants, in a moonlight dance on the grass, on a summer's evening. It belongs to the happiest class of Mr. BISHOP'S trifles.

*Originally publishedove believe, in Mr. REYNOLDS'S most splendid volumes The Keepsake, for 1529.

Catalogue c/ Messrs. Boosey and Son's Musical Library.

WE have examined the present Catalogue of Messrs. BOOSEY, which contains a well-chosen variety of vocal and instrumental pieces, worthy the attention of those amateurs who would be acquainted with the multifarious styles of music which are now to be found in the writers of Germany, France, and Italy. Concertos, Trios, Rondos, Sonatas, &c., of every distinguished composer, Italian Opera Music, German and English Songs, French Romances, with Church and Organ Music, Full Overtures in parts for Orchestras, and arranged for four hands on the Pianoforte are to be found in the Catalogue. A Circulating Musical Library as sists the subscriber on this material point.—that he becomes a sight-player, from the consequence of readingcontinually fresh music. This is an advantage not to be despised.