13 DECEMBER 1834, Page 5


An address praying his Majesty not to sanction the formation of any Administration opposed to Reform in Church and State, has, we learn, been already signed by one hundred and forty noblemen and gen- tlemen. The Duke of Leinster heads the list ; in which are included the names of the Earl of Charlemont and Lord Cloncurry. It is stated that this address is to he forwarded for presentation this day or to- morrow.—Dublin Register of Tuesday.

The Belfast Tory address is said to have received 22,000 signatures; but as it unfortunately happens that Belfast, with its suburbs, does not contain more 60,000 inhabitants, of whom a large proportion are Re- formers, it would be difficult to make out how 22,000 male adults of the Tory party could be mustered there. About 2000 seems to be the fair number of the Belfast Tories: the other signatures must have been manufactured for the occasion; or the wag who says he counted them must have added a cipher. Mr. O'Conliali is t Xe.li,!g bitosolf ertergeticaPy to sat the Nu- tionirl'Ilauk of ireland on its legs, and alma' ently wait ga art saceess. -At Carrisk.ou-Suir and e branch banks have been al,eada esta- blished, and the capital paid up. More than 100,0fICL has bsen sub- scribed in Dublin. O'Connell espects to effect great thin, w7tti this batik.

Though the investigation at Nenagh, regal ding the diabol:cal attempt

to fire the residence of Mr. Otway Cave; %vas conducted the 1V:aais- trates last week with closed doors, we are enabled to 'state as the result, that the accused, Mr. Dancer, was reqaired to (lad Lail in 5001. and himself bound in 2001., to take his tr:al at the next Ass'zes.—Tip- perary Free Piss.

. ItaCk•relltS and tithes are working their meal resto's o" m!.ery, mur- ders, and outarae. In the county of Wearca.d, tee hauroatls i.e adding feel to tie fire, 'by denarturag both 'oae- Tae ti of Clmtinines, in the pars a of T'ufer' a have rers:ved thr !&lott' s,- very significart no.ree -;.ont le :ascot of Arthur Ada:- IF Es... o:. Bles- sington : " The term" s of elonarires a e inayoned tar -Weolearlay

the 10th itissana the composition rent payable .ae lreel'o• it w"' he added to the ran*, nit! rerie:red (but only ha'-yea 1:r) as tae wet is

usual '.y paid."— . poodent.

On Monday week, an attempt was made to collect arrears of tithes in Armagh county, ti tire amount of 25/. due to the Reverend James S. Blacker. The assistance of a large Cody of police, under the com- mand of Chef Constable Hill, was psocured ; and several seizures were effected. The peasantry, armed math sticks, stones, arid pirchrorks, attempted a reseua. The Ilec:,?r, who t?..; also a vgjib.; 'iottely went orit on rie occe...T.an owa Ass. A conflict took place, and one of the pe...araa•y, who attempted sae rescue, was k'lled, and six of the police seve-ely wounded. Tire peasaatry were without fire- arms, othe.wise the consequences would have been more fatal. — Northern Whig.

On Sunday issa in a Roma" Cho' a eleasal rot r.7-s ne"es 'arm Carlow, the pal p •asa ias'a .4 of' hr. 'a a 'ae no -al a -ere of the Gospel on die 0;.' 2007. ; urn ; le z-' i the most tersiric &am .a.r.;:mrs• rasa: 1st a g p (a: - 17_ oral -e ; so much so, that a member of his coo-, • •,,.• *-1 a -al Its MI. quitted the chapel trom disgest.—C'. tom