13 DECEMBER 1834, Page 6

The will of the Duke of Gloucester has been opened,

and it appears he died worth upwards of 90,000/. He has left legacies to most of his household. Colonel Edmund Curry, the Duke's Secretary and Compteoller, has c20,C00/. bequeathed to him' and Colonel S. Higgins, K. IL, the principal Equerry [and butt of the Figarol ,0401. ; each of his Aides-de-eatnp bas been left 30,0001. It should be mentioned to the honour of the late Duke that he was never in debt, and afforded an excellent example in the punctual and immediate discharge of his tradesmen's 'M its.—Morning Chronicle.

A correspoadent of the St( Folard gives a more magnificent account of the Duke's properly. He states that he died possessed of " very great property ; the whole of which is left by will to his widow, of w!rom he always spoke in the most enthusiastic terms. A short time previous to his death, he had purchased a large freehold estate in Hamp- shire, of great value, and had upwards of -200,0001. in the Funds. It is believed that the whole of the property will exceed 500,000/. in amount. So eer;ain was his Royal Highness that his disorder would prove fria!, that a few days prior to his demise, he made all his family arrangements ; and his last request was that the DUtchess should place a valid ring upon his finger, and he should he interred in the clothes in which be died, and be placed in an elm coffin:"

Sir James Scarlett is the sole executor of the late Duke of Glouces- ten—A/Nun.

It is said that the Colonelcy of the Royal Fusileer Guards, vacaet by the decease of the Duke of Gloucester, has been given to the Duke of Gordon ; mid that the Duke of Northumberland has been appoitard to the Trusteeship of the British Museum, vacant by the same cause.- (N.B. The new Government is not a Tory one.)-111oraing Chronicle.

Sir Robert Peel landed at Dover between eleven and twelve o'clock on Monday night. He came over from the French coast in the Ferret steam-packet, Captain Hamilton, which had been waiting for him specially some time at Calais. Ile staid about a quarter of an hour at the Ship Inn, and then started in a carriage and pair for London. There were but a few persons in the street when he left Dover, but these few cheered him loudly. Sir Robert Wilson waited upon him at the Ship Inn, • and attended him to his carriage. Lady Peel and two of her children, who accompanied Sir Robert in his hasty journey from Italy, did not go up with him to London, but remained at Dover, to recover from their fatigues. Sir Robert reached his house in l'rivy Gardens about seven o'clock on Tuesday morning. He was visited by the Duke of Wellington about eleven, and soon afterwards both proceeded to the Palace and had an interview with the King.

It is again very generally reported, that Mr. Croker has declined to accept ()nice under the present Government. He was in town, but has returned to Moulsey.

In the temporary House of Commons, now fitting up, the Reporters will be accommodated with a separate gallery above and behind the Speaker's chair. There will be a separate ent.aoce to this gallery, which will also have a ready cow menication with the Reporters' seats in the gallery of the House of Lords.

English newspapers are circulated in Portugal postage free.—Tiates Correvondeat.