13 DECEMBER 1834, Page 9



The English Stock Market has been firm and the fluctus, tans unimportant. Its pre ent tendency, which is downward, hes been in some degree produced by the coatinord reports of a dissolution of Parliament. A general election will of course he attended with considerable espense, and the withdrawal of a la capital from its present employment. The uncertainty in which the Ministei 'al arrangements are still enwloped, contributes in someds tree to prevent the in- vestment of capital. Money is, however, more abundant than last week, and easily obtainable on good seem ity.

the Foteign Market, a 1 ii msoal degree of activity has pievailed among the dealers in Outch Seetsriiies. The project for giving, toese Bonus cur.micy in Pad, (wbich we noticed sowe ime ego), lice been ell'ected ; ano the first cuotstion of the price appsc cal ia the Ccit,w .Aiqhcr;irple ii Moadae last. An impulse has thus been given 0 the Shack in this Maitet ; the 21: tier Cerds. having been quoted yeste:dav as high RE 54. which is the Iligh;:st quotatkin they have ever realizs4 on occ Ercha age. This u1wa.(1 movement has been fully sustained to-day ; the elo-ing price [ping 55j All doubts as to the decision of the contact of the Spanish Lean have ucen set at rct. by its being adjudged to M. AKDOeiN, upon the terms previously s.ateci by us. The Committee of the Stock Exchanse have not yet decided as to whether the Stock of the new Loan will he permitted riootatioa in their official list. It was anti- cipated that the question wovld have been. decided in the affirmative on Wednesday last ; but it was again adjourned, for the purpose (as we under- stand) of waiting the rssult of the meeting of Bondholders, which will be held on Monday next. The determiaatit.n t3 which the Spanish Goverament have come, of postponing the payment of the Dividends upon the Cones and existing Debts till six months after those upon the new Loan, has operated very un- favourably upon its credit, asid will, we doubt not, materially impede the cir- culation of the new Stock; for, as it is almost impossible that the New Loan can now be admitted on nor Exchange, its success as a financial measure must be considered problematical. Spanish Stock has been to. day as low as 51, but has since improved to 52, anti doges this afternoon at 52i.

Portuguese Bonds have improved about 1 per cent, in price, and are firm at nearly the highest quotation of the week. The other Foreign Funds are nearly at our last quotations.

The South American Stocks do not improve, notwithstanding the intelligence from the New World is (with the exception of the last accounts from Buenos Ayres) generally satisfactory, and the last arrivals from Madrid bring advice of the arrival of an Envoy from Columbia, who is charged with negotiating the acknowledgment of the independence of the Republic.

The Mining Shares remain at our last prices ; and in the absence of intelli- gence front any of the districts, the business transacted has been trifling.


As is usually the case on Saturday, the business of the morning has been un- important; prices, with the exception of those of Spanish Stock, are nearly as yesterday. The Spanish Market still continues heavy at 511 52. Much interest is excited in the Stock Exchange by the approaching meeting of the holders of tortes Bonds appointed for Monday next, as it is believed that the admission of the New Loan to the Stock Exchange will materially depend upon its result.


Reports of the difficulty with which the Ministerial arrangements are beset, have produced a slight depression upon the Congo! Market ; the price for Ac- count being now 91A 92. The transactions in the Foreign Market have been

I chiefly confined to Spanish Stock, which has been as low as 51i, and closes at 5111 A. An improvement has taken place in the Shares of the Imperial Brazi- lian Mining Company, which are as high as 37/. to 381. ; being a rise of nearly 3L per share. The impulse given to the Dutch Market has not been sustained ; the closing price of 21 per Cents. being 55i.

3 per Cent. Consols shut Dutch 28 per Cents 551 Ditto for Account 9'28 French 3 per Cents. New 3} per Cent. Annuities. shut Greek Onodum. Spec Cents —

Bank Stock - Mexican 6 per Cents 411 India Stock - Portuguese 6 per Cents.

Exchequer Bills, pm 36 Do. Regency Stock .5per Cent. 841 Belgian 5 per Cents. 981 I Prussian (1818) 5 per Cent.. — Brazilian 5 per Cents. ex. di,. 78j Russian (1822) 5 per Cent... 106j Danish 3 per Cents. ex. div 761Spanish (1821)5 per cent... 511 52