13 DECEMBER 1845, Page 10




The Money-market was recovering from the shocks to which it has recently been subjected; and upon shutting the books of Consols on Wednesday, the demand for Stock occasioned by the investments of the few previous days was such that there was a comparative scarcity, and an improvement in price of about 1 per cent occurred. The market then declined slightly, under the effect of speculatiee sales made by one or two parties who received early intelligence of the Ministerial change; and the depression thus commenced has been continued to the close of business this afternoon, without any appearance of a reaction or slightest turn in the market. The price of Consols for Account on Wednesday afternoon, before the sales already noticed had occurred, was 95* * with dividend. It has already been stated that the books of the Consols closed on that day ; and as, in compliance with a recent custom, all bargains in Stocks the books of which are closed are quoted in the Official List ex-dividend, that Stock is now so quoted. The closing price today is 92* * without the dividend—equal to a quotation with dividend 93/1: consequently, the effect of the recent political change has been to produce a decline of lit per cent. The other English Funds have fallen proportionally; Reduced Three per Cents having declined to 92*, and the Three-and-a-quarter per Cents to 944. There is considerable disproportion in the prices of the two Three per Cent Stocks; Consols bearing a much higher price in the market, in consequence of its being the speculative Stock, in which all the time bargains occur. The dif- ference between the two Stocks ought never to amount to more than the excess of dividend due upon one as compered with the other. Thus, at present there is 1 per cent more due upon Reduced than upon Consols. The price of Consols for Account is today 924: deduct for Continuation, or the diflerence between the price for Money and Account, 1, we have the price for Money, 91*; and adding for the difference of Dividend due upon Reduced Three per Cents, 1, we have the value of Reduced Three per Cents as compared with Consols, 924; but as ac- cording to our quotations, Reduced Three per Cents for Money are 92*, the as, Stock is consequently 1 per cent cheaper than the former. The premium of Exchequer Bills has advanced slightly., and is today as high as 23s. The Bank rate of discount continues the same. A decline occurred in the Foreign Exchanges both today and last post, which, though not extensive, is of importance as indicating the belief in the occurrence of an importation of corn. Silver is also in demand, and rising in price. Under these circumstances, it cannot be doubted, that if there was any intention on the part of the Directors of the Bank of England to reduce the rate of discount, such intention has been abandoned, and cannot be entertained until a complete change of circumstances.

The few transactions occurring in Foreign Stocks have been at reduced prices; but they have been so unimportant as not to afford any scope for remark.

A ninth better feeling prevailed in the markets for the suenor class of Rail- way Shares; and up to yesterday prices were improving. With the change in the English Funds, however, all the Shares have declined; and in almost or case prices have given way to a greater extent than they had previously advanced; Shares in most of the leading lines being today from 11- to 31. below the prices of last week. Scrip Shares, many of which were becoming firmer, and in which business was again reviving, have all fallen back. It is assumed as almost cer- tain that the new Ministry will dissolve Parliament: this would tell very disas- trously upon the prospects of the holders of Scrip Shares; for not only will the period for commencing the Parliamentary campaign be delayed for nearly two months, but there will be small chance of much Railway business being carried on amidst the party strife and fierce contentions of the coining session. There tit consequently small hope of any immediate revival of speculation in this descrip- tion of property, and consequently little prospect of any advance in prices.

The French Shares are all lower. Some transactions have occurred in the Shares of the Constituted Paris and Lyons line: during the week the price has been as high as 24 premium, but it is today 2 premium. The Constituted Paris and Strasburg Shares are also in the market: the price had been as high as 11 premium, but it has fallen today to 1 premium.

The Consol-market opened heavily, and the price for Account declined to 91/; at which Stock was for a short time offered. An influential broker having, how- ever, since bought largely, prices have improved to 92* 4. Scarcely any bar- gains have occurred in the other English Funds. No transactions of any kind are yet recorded in Foreign Stocks, the prices of which are the same as yester- day. The Railway Share-market is in a similarly quiet state; the following being the bargains that we can report: Midland, Birmingham, and Derby, 109; Newcastle and Darlington Junction, 53; Dutch Rhenish, 64; Paris and Stras- burg (Ganneron's), 11; Tours and Nantes (MKenzie's), 4.

SATURDAY, Two o'cnocx.

The English Stocks experienced a slight downward reaction during the morn- ing, but have recovered again, and close at the prices given in our previous edition. We cannot notice any change of importance in the Foreign Stocks, which are still heavy.

3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced 31 per Cents Long AnnuUes Bank Stock Exchequer Bills India Stock Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 44 per Cents Chili= 6 per Cents

Railway Shares also are unaltered and without any indication of improvement. We have to notice the following bargain; in addition to those given in the morning.

Share. Paid. Business done.

331 Bristol and Exeter, New 2 6 25 Cambridge ad Litwin

25 Cambridge and Lincoln, New 3 a s Average Eastern Comities 14 16 19f 19 100 Great North of England. .. leg 2091 25 Eastern Counties, New 4 10 Stock London and Birmingham 100 ' 209 10

32 London and Birmingham, Thirds 10 41


.... . abut Columbian ex Venezuela... 16 1

921 t Danish 3 per Cents 86 88

93 1 Dutch 24 per Ceuta 581 94

241 f Ditto 4 per Cents 92 3

10 5-16 7-16 Mexican 5 per Cents 291 30 200 1 Ditto Deferred 16 f

prem. 21 22 Portuguese New .5 p. Cta.1841 57 9

shut Ditto 4 per Cents 1845 57 9 77 81 Russian 5 per Cents 111 113

94 6 Spanish (Active) 5 perCents 271 8

95 7 Ditto 3 Cents 1842 37i

London and Brighton 50


London and South-western

41.6.10 731

London ,nd York



Midland 100

138 9

Midland, New

6 171 1 f

Midland, Birmingham, and Derby

ISO 3091

North Kent and Dover Direct


Scottish Central




York and North Midland

50 102


Bordeaux, Toulouse, and Cette (Espeletes)

2 If


5 68 I

Great Northern of France, Constituted

5 11 101

Luxembourg 4 11 Namur and Liege 4 21 Orleans and Bordeaux



Paris and Lyons (Ganneron's)

3 21

Faris and Strasbourg (Ganneron's)

2 2 50


50 Stoat 40


50 25 50