13 DECEMBER 1924, Page 2

The very fact that in making . demands upon Egypt after the

assassination we included an enlarged area of irrigation in the Sudan—rather unwisely, as we think, from the point of view of form,--exposed us to the usual but quite unfair criticism that we were making the murder of a single person an occasion for applying the political screw. We have nothing to fear from inquiry and publicity. The Nile has more than enough water for everybody, and we probably made a mistake in not asserting the full rights of the Sudan in the matter of irrigation in the Declaration of 1922. As it is, however, We are open to every kind of misunderstanding and malicious suggestion. We could be saved from all this by having the sanction of the League, not only as regards the Sudan, the Canal and the Nile, but as regards the protection of all foreigners in Egypt. • We may add here that Sir Geoffrey Archer has been • appointed Governor-General of the Sudan in succession to Sir Lee Stack.

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