13 DECEMBER 1935, Page 16

A London Border A new venture is, I believe, meditated

by the committee. The rose-garden in the Regent's Park, made entirely of roses given by British growers, has proved so attractive that the idea is to be extended. Alongside the roses a herbaceous border. will be designed, as both educative and a thing of beauty in itself. The long and splendid rough border at Southport, made by a gardening genius, has proved one of the most successful agents of propaganda for that enterprising town. The herbaceous borders at Hampton Court are always wortlr a pilgrimage ; but they do not enjoy quite so wide a popularity as they deserve. Such a border, if designed on a spacious enough scale, should be a great attraction to central London. The garden is almost as easy of approach as the shrub garden

in Charing Cross underground 'station. • * * .*