13 DECEMBER 1957, Page 18

SIR, — Mr. Magee made his point clearly, and, with respect, I

did not miss it.

Granted the obvious fact that neither political party can claim a superior moral standing, then, in my submission, the most piobable answer to Mr. Magee's question is that it does not arise. Were it asserted that scurrilous letters pass more often from Right to Left, this might not be worth disputing. But Mr. Magee, as I understand him, claims that the whole of this disgusting correspondence comes

from the Right. If he did not mean this, then go' variably' does not mean what one of us thinks it means.

If Mr. Magee's claim is established, then his ques- tion calls for serious consideration, and I for one would be very interested to know the answer. But a mere ipse dixit does not establish the claim; and my intention (which I thought was clear) was to indicate that it might be unjustified. I have no evi- dence to controvert Mr. Magee's startling propo- sition; but in the absence of cogent supporting evidence, I simply do not believe it.—Yours faith- fully,

P. R. MURSELL Cumbrae, Woodland Drive, East Horsley, Surrey